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Halloween plans <Help>
Well for halloween i was planning on being the big bad wolf and my fiance being little red riding hood .. and filling a basket with a big blanket lots of yummy food and candles and halloween cookies and "Kidnapping" my fiance from her parents house and literally running away to the top of a huge clear hill near our local dam where the moon usually sets and is always huge and having a nice romantic halloween themed picnic. Well I ended up just a few mintues ago asking her how she felt about having a picnic on halloween and told her i may have something planned and she said no that i need to stay at home on halloween and i told her what i had planned and what i got and without hesitation still said no. I hung up on her and cried. So now I dont know what im going to do ive eaten half the candy for the trick or treaters and im sulking in my room. The thing is, is that i was going to tell her our wedding date (Something ive been keeping secret and something she was really anxious to hear) and now idk what to do its almost not special anymore. So where the help comes in at is what i should do for halloween.

I bought the following things for us:

Pillsbury cookies.

<--- not exact one but close to it
Big halloween sheet.

<---- got 3 packs of them
come on big bad wolves dont sulk in their room after being turned down!
surely you can think of something else, maybe when shes alseep, wake her up with a kiss like prince charming!

your original plan sounded like a great idea to me though!

EDIT: Ive come up with a plan to save you!
step one:make a calling card that would interest her (mysterious date which is acctually the wedding date) and some cryptic poem leading her to another card
step two: set up a treasure hunt with the cards leading to the top of the hill, with treats and cryptic calling cards leading to the next spot
step three: tape the first calling card with the date and a cyrptic message to the outside of her window while shes asleep
step four: throw a stone or something at the window so she notices the card and is forced to start the treasure hunt (keeping yourself concealed while following her progress)
step five: be waiting for her at the hill

Last edited by caff_old; Oct 30, 2009 at 11:26 AM.
Founder of raku

Well. Err.

Maybe you should just like, still kidnap her.
Since it would actually surprise the shit out of her and her parents would actually call the cops then.

Then things get interesting.
If you're that into to her don't let the plans of a themed event ruin it. Sure Haloween would have been a cool time to do it but you don't need a special occassion to do something nice for her.

First, stop sulking go out and have a good time on haloween. Plan something else you can take her up to that hill any night and reveal the marriage date. I'm sure you'll do fine. Don't put yourself down over it, she probally just wants to spend time with her family.

Also Caff's plan is pretty cool, difficult but if some guy did that to me I would be all over him and I'm straight. ;)