Original Post
Different Mod Specialists
Just wondering... Do we have any specialists in our clan?
I mean, I've seen a lot of other clans with members that boast tags like TkL[ClanNameHere], as in Tae Kwon Do Leader.
I'm not sure whether or not we have any of those, but if we could, I'd like to apply for one of them.
We don't. Well I kinda call myself clan blademaster but thats just my title. More like for my liking for blade mods than skill really. Also, Idk if we want to have those, because me and Toni both hate complicated tags.
Clan Blood Leader
Well, I don't see any point in not letting the members to use specialist tags or whatever they are called.
If they want to use, then go on, but imho it doesn't look so nice, as Hopea just said.
Also, some people put an organization's name to that place when they are in one, like OLDA[Clan]ExDawg
There is an organization for people who like TK. Its name is Taekkyon League, and in short it's TkL.

But yeah, if you really feel like it, feel free to put a specialist tag before the Blood tag.
Also, I don't hate them, I just think it doesn't look so nice, but it's still acceptable.