Original Post
Cheap head shop
These heads are for people who just bought a head texture thingy, and want to buy some cheap heads for it ill post a new head every 2 days or
so. One more thing see how some of the heads like flash that means its just reloading.

1 200-1k



4 offer price or maybe 1k this is beta head so means will be modified later if needed to.


post or pm me with your offer.
Also these are my first textures and im new to this game so i will take requests but they wont be high detailed but also not expensive.That is all.
Last edited by fighter11; Oct 4, 2009 at 06:49 AM.
well, I put the prices that I think is a good price anywere between that but people can always pay more or maybe less if i agree
Last edited by fighter11; Sep 28, 2009 at 02:35 AM.