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Favorite classic game?
Do you have any favorite classic game?

Then post it here and explain why it is your favorite classic game.

Mine will have to be ''Super Mario Brothers''.Just because of it's great gameplay and the start of a new and sucessful series as of now.
º7th Dan Black Beltº
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Super Mario World=Best 2D Mario game ever. I also like Zelda Link To The Past. I also like alot of the space shooters like R-Type.
Guess it has to be the first megaman for the nes. It is the hardest 2d platformer I know off besidesGhouls 'n Ghosts. It has a great soundtrack as well.
My favorite game of all time would have to be GoldenEye 007 for the N64. But that was released in 1997, so it probably won't be considered "classic."

In that case, my favorite classic game is Jungle Strike. You get to blow up the White House. It's just awesome.

As for the arcade, I'm going to go with the first game I ever played, Asteroids. I was stuck with the "Asteroids Deluxe" one for a while (it sucked compared to the original), but once I saw the original I did a :o and loved it.
hmmmm, best classic game?

probably starcraft. Introduced me to RTS's. love that game and I can't wait for the sequel
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
ummmmmm, what we mean by classic is retro. like, before the year 2003.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say