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ChrisDom's Journal
Lately, I've been wanting to do this. To be truthful, I'm light on people to talk too. So I think, "If I can't talk to people, why don't I have a journal in an open area? I mean, Nobuddie does it...." Just like a regular journal/diary I'll write about things, anything on my mind. I just want to get my thoughts out.
If you write it, someone will read it.

August 07, 2009 | Friday
3:30 AM

School starts in 3 days and I'm not liking the thought of it... AT ALL. I don't even enjoy school, I'm not friendless, I just don't enjoy the people I'm forced to be around each day. I'm also going to a new school this year with uniforms apparently... If I have to wear a uniform, I'll find some way around it. If I have to tear a few holes in it or drawing on it, I don't care. I'm not like anyone where I live and I like to show it all-the-way to the clothing.

My friend and I started a doubles ladder team for brawl (super smash bros)
... We're rusty. We have a 3 loss streak so far and we aren't happy about it.
It's like when you work at something and you finally get it then you meet someone who can do it while back-flipping over a moving car. If we win or lose matches, We can only get better... (Team here for the curious...)

I don't feel like your average teenager anymore, at least not where I live now.
The only thing I would hear at school was about how someone got pregnant or drunk until they threw up and passed out, but look at me. I'm on the computer nearly 24/7. I do what I enjoy but I need more to enjoy. Maybe I'm just a hard-ass.

Life is just kinda sailing away, I'm on my own boat and... I kinda wanna be on the other boat. 2 more years and I can do something about my scenario
My balls hurt.
Fucking whiny.
nn /tb/
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
This looks interesting. The only reason I didn't tl;dr is because it's you. Of course, the second you run out of interesting things to say and rant about mediocre BS, I'm outta here.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Originally Posted by ChrisDom View Post

School starts in 3 days and I'm not liking the thought of it... AT ALL. I don't even enjoy school, I'm not friendless, I just don't enjoy the people I'm forced to be around each day.

Man THAT is so much the same as my school life.

I hate being stuck with the people I am. Like, I have my friends etc but there are so many cunts.
August 07, 2009 | Friday
2:06 PM

After taking a test or two, I discovered I have very high results in my Schizoid level.
"Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle, secretiveness, and emotional coldness"

I don't think I have a disorder but that sounds a bit like me. (Take the quiz here) I know online quizzes are normally full of bullshit but IDK, this one seems ok.

Why's it SO FUCKING HOT OUTSIDE? I don't go outside anyway but really damn it. It's funny about that, I don't get much exercise and i'm still pretty fit. I have a modelers body so that's cool.

I'm not friendless just slim on friends since I moved and I want to do things but I can't. I'd like to get a job (like producing a service etc) but I JUST CANT STAND ALL THE DICKHEADS IN PUBLIC. I've always been a person to put personal comfort above everything. It makes me feel kinda shitty when the only things I have to do are drink 7up (:3!) and be here all day.

I've been raging with deja-vu. In basically ALL of my dreams, It was deja-vu. From eating a sandwich to watching tv and what show was on. 3 visions (Dreams?) have had me wondering. The first is a vision of a girl (I know I know.) She wasn't extremely hot or anything but it looked like I really liked her. The second vision involved a guy I've never met before, He was cute.
Dreams are powerful things, I like to think of it as looking into your other dimensions and what your other-selves are doing. Makes you want to be there. However, in the third vision, It was something like silent hill or call of cthulhu. I noticed a random hole in a wall so I crawled inside. After a bit of dream crawling, things became squishy and red, like if you crawled on raw bacon and ketchup. I dropped into an altar or church like place. EVERYWHERE, there was blood and split pieces of human body parts. A large pentagram painted on the center wall looked over the whole room, with candle lights. Then I woke up. I was shaking after it was over. I never want to go back there.

Bai /tb/
*I hope tortele and I yiff!*
Last edited by ChrisDom; Aug 7, 2009 at 08:54 PM.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
Originally Posted by ChrisDom;1603633[I

I've been raging with deja-vu. In basically ALL of my dreams, It was deja-vu. From eating a sandwich to watching tv and what show was on. 3 visions (Dreams?) have had me wondering.
*I hope tortele and I yiff!*

Well, I am not schizophrenic or whatever. And I have deja-vu dreams all the time, but mine are like more surrounded by important events or what not that occur to me, pretty cool not being alone. ;p And the last bit. <3
ayylmaos are real
Originally Posted by ChrisDom View Post
The second vision involved a guy I've never met before, He was cute.


Originally Posted by ChrisDom View Post
Dreams are powerful things, I like to think of it as looking into your other dimensions and what your other-selves are doing. Makes you want to be there

That actually a cool way of thinking about it.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Originally Posted by ChrisDom View Post
I've been raging with deja-vu. In basically ALL of my dreams, It was deja-vu. From eating a sandwich to watching tv and what show was on.

Yeah, same thing happens to me. Always have realistic dreams that come true about 85% of the time. Great thing to have, when the dejavu sets in it allows you to have a little warning before something happens ;P

Originally Posted by Guv_na

My exact reaction lol :P

<Phail> Everyone knows GMs can combust your videocard temporarily
<decimat0r1> let those bitches try
August 08, 2009 | Saturday
4:48 AM

Well...fuck. My summer break just turned into your average weekend. 1 more day of total peace until I rage for 250(?) days straight. Homework, Classmates, DRAMA UP THE DICK. So me after a long day looks something like this:

Surfing tb forums of course. \o

Is it normal to be half excited and half pissed off about school? It's, "Oh! I can't wait to see my friends again :3 And maybe, some new, sexy ones >:3" Then you pull a, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" as you walk into the building and see all the same douchebags you were around last year. Hot damn in a hat. (And probably end up smashing your face into the door on your way out.)

I'll keep this part short since it involves "self-love" (Damn kids on the internet)
let's say your tired of the normal, "UNF FAP FAP FAP FAP" thing you've been doing for the past... 3-4? years. GET SOME CANOLA OIL AND A SHARPIE AND GET TO WORK. Tried it, that's powerful stuff.

I've been in love with horror games lately. My computer can't handle most of them (Like penumbra... This piece of trash laptop...) and I don't like to be scared. Funny eh? Call of cthulhu looks like a good run for my money. *wink wink* I just need a cheap spook and someone to be watching me shit my pants.

Lucid dreaming is controlling your dream. It's being able to make your dream into really YOUR dream. Wanna fly? Lucid dream. Wanna drown yourself in women (men?) Lucid dream. I haven't been able to get a real successful one. I had planned to fly but... I turned into a pikachu and started to float.... I'm not joking here. Idk, I like pikachu.

You can read more about lucid dreaming here

Night /tb/

Oh! And <3 tortle

Last edited by ChrisDom; Aug 8, 2009 at 11:37 AM.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
Originally Posted by ChrisDom View Post
been doing for the past... 3-4? years. GET SOME CANOLA OIL AND A SHARPIE AND GET TO WORK. Tried it, that's powerful stuff.

Oh god, that was... great.. e_e' Also, <3 I love having lucid dreams.
ayylmaos are real
August 09, 2009 | Sunday
7:33 PM

I need to stop staying up late, I just woke up. ._.
My plan to take over toribash is working great \o/. The clubstripes club and I will reign supreme! FURRY AVATAR THE WORLD! Cthulhu counts.

Because I woke up so late, chances are my school year is going to be fucked in the ass. I'll probably just sleep the whole first day and that's ok really. The first day is just, "Hello my name is Ms. Dick, What's your names Dicks? *Hour and 30 minutes later* K dicks, Go to your next dick and meet your next dick l:U"
...God damn it.

After a long LONG time (I was just lazy this could be done in like 3 days.)
I finished Pancake Putty :3

Watch in HQ.

Does anyone else feel like something bad is going to happen soon? I've been like this for a few days. Maybe it's just the oversleeping fucking my brain.

Hey! I got an email! It's from youtube service!
It saids...
Sume65 has made a comment on Boxxy: The AfterMath TRUE ENDING:
great video?

...I wish I never made that damned video, I have to destroy it...

I wish this could be longer, I need a dream or something
Later /tb/ /rapid/
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?