Original Post
Date and Time!
For the fight against [DAT], the day is Saturday. Officially Saturday

As for the time, i'm open any time. Now, if there is anyone who has no chance in hell of coming at any time on Saturday, say so NOW. In other words, if you cannot possibly come, say so now.

Anyway, we can all say what times would be good for us and then we can work from there.

So far, this is who I have for the fight

Dikarika (I think)
Doctor Dendrite
Spaztic One

I'm assuming everyone here is coming unless you tell me otherwise. So, what times are good for you guys? By the way, I'm absolute crap with timezones and such, so if you guys could help me out that would be great. I don't really even know what GMT means. I'm just in the New york timezone according to this map here
Last edited by B-rad; Jul 19, 2007 at 04:41 PM.

I think that a good time would be 5pm-8pm GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), so it would be 12am-3pm in NY.
For myself (Dikarika) early saturday is best (like 10:00am, what alex said...)

Anytime before 3pm or after 5pm EDT should also be ok...
bah, i just remembered my college orientation is tomorrow from 1:00PM to 4:30PM U.S. central time ><;.

the time after will be fine though , time before might be iffy but possible.
Hope this doesnt mess anything up, if it does i think we would have enough kuntaoers and samboers to cover my loss (though i would hate to miss this ;x).

im also terrible with timezones but i think im an hour behind you B-rad
I suggest 5pm-7pm GMT(which is 12am-2pm EDT). Unless someone disagrees, than that will be the time. And Lancer, we can arrange it so that your battles go first or something
Last edited by B-rad; Jul 20, 2007 at 10:16 PM.
The time then shall be 4pm-6pm GMT. Which is 11am-1pm in my timezone, and 10am-12am in Lancer and Alexownz's timezone. Everyone ok with that?
Originally Posted by B-rad View Post
The time then shall be 4pm-6pm GMT. Which is 11am-1pm in my timezone, and 10am-12am in Lancer and Alexownz's timezone. Everyone ok with that?

that works with me I sopose but I will probably have to leave before it finishes (but i suck at wushu anyway so that should be a nonissue). Prehaps kuntao (hah i spelled it right) can go first then?
lancer im proud of you, you took a big step just now. spelling kuntao correct and all XD. But now you have to word on spelling "perhaps"
Back in my day...