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easier custom mods
I looked through most of the mods in the game and the geometry of the weapons and environments seemed simple. I had a wonderful idea that could increase the quality, and possibly the quantity of mods. I use a 3D modelling program called sketchup, (made by Google) and if there is a way to use sketchup models, for mods, then I would very much like to know. I haven't got the slightest clue on how to actually mod something, so if this is impossible for whatever reason, please let me know.
below are 2 pictures of a boomshot from gears of war. obviously, we couldn't make it shoot anything. but how fun would it be to beat the crap out of uke with that?
Attached Images
boomshot1.jpg (97.6 KB, 57 views)
boomshot2.jpg (87.7 KB, 31 views)
Stats: :Proud whatever-the-hell-I-am-at-that-moment-in-time of VorteX:
Uke would suffer...AWESOME IDEA now lets just see what the mods and admins have to say about it...
"Can't see California with Marlon Brando's eyes"


"She isn't real.... Can't make her real"
thnx! I really hope this works, I have made SO many swords and stuff, and I wanna chop him up with a good lookin' one. not a stick. lmao here's one of the swords
Attached Images
Sword-2.jpg (45.7 KB, 31 views)
Stats: :Proud whatever-the-hell-I-am-at-that-moment-in-time of VorteX:
think about the collisions, if you have a mesh with 1000 faces, the game will have to process all the collisions between all the objects, and with more quality, the game have to process more and more, so it can be made, except the objects have a simple collision.
The toribash engine can only handle spheres, cubes, and cylinders.

It would take lots of work to make things such as this possible, but i still like the idea.
It would be pretty sweet to be able to model stuff in a 3-D program and then put them in-game.

though I think this belongs more in suggestions.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
the 16 Obj limit Restricts most Idias like that and Collision checking would render the game Unplable on an older PC (Singe Cores - Cant handle the Collision checking at the proper rate) So untill they fix that its not possible yet Perhaps some day
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
If this was implemented it would lead to really cool mods, just like other suggested ideas. This would be good for 3d modelers, but the Toribash devs would have to find a type of 3d model they can use and people can create and then program it in and make worldbuilder support more objects. i would think a remake of the game engine or something would be easier. I have no idea though, i cant program anything, and i barely have figured out lua and i forgot anything i knew anyway :P
Milkshape is a pretty common output for modelling software. and if it isn't the standard output, you can usually export it as such.
Stats: :Proud whatever-the-hell-I-am-at-that-moment-in-time of VorteX: