Original Post
Would you rather?
Hive needs a game where shit can get disgusting, so here you have it. I'd like to say anything goes, but follow forum rules and so on like you would anywhere else.

So, basically, someone will post something along the lines of this:

Would you rather piss a marble or shit a bowling ball?

And you will have to answer the said question, and post a question of your own for someone else to answer, like so:

Piss a marble.

Would you rather gouge out your eyes or cut off your manhood?

You don't necessarily have to be disgusting, but I'd like it if you had to spend some time thinking about what you'd rather do.

So, to begin - Would you rather, as a diabetic, eat a sugar sandwich that would kill you, or eat a shit sandwich which wouldn't.
collect snots from the nose
I would eat a sugar sandwich, Diabetes sux that much.

Would you either- Have your kneecap broken by a 2/4 or have your foot minced off by a combine harvester?

This game kinda reminds me of the Saw movies.
I am neither a sheep, nor am I a lion
Edit (10 years later): Damn, I was an edgy sellout...
Have my kneecap broken by a 2/4.

Would you rather die a virgin, or live as a virgin? (This one is awkward, depending on the way you respond.) (Also, it's nasty if you see virginity as a bad thing, which I assume you do.)
Die a virgin.

Would you rather get 3/4 of you body smashed by a big press or die slowly by being eaten by a bear?
Live a virgin, you can live with out telling any body.

If 3/4 of my body included my head then yes.

Would you either- Die with a smile on your face(You know what I mean) or with your family pet by your side. (Pet dies at the same time or first)
I am neither a sheep, nor am I a lion
Edit (10 years later): Damn, I was an edgy sellout...
With a smile... I couldn't stand seeing as my dog die.

Would you rather get your arms cut off by a rusty blade or your arm and leg?
Arm and leg, you can't do shit without your arms.

Would you rather have sex with someone you love who has an incurable STD that will eventually kill you, or have so much sex with random whores that you end up dying from a lack of protein and other minerals?
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))
Sex with loved one carrying an incurable STD, Prostitutes and random slutz carry more shit on them, and you don't even know what it is.

Would you either- Shoot your pet to prevent some "miracle" disease from killing all humans or, let humans be wiped out by this unknown affliction?
I am neither a sheep, nor am I a lion
Edit (10 years later): Damn, I was an edgy sellout...
Bang Red. That Boomer is a fag.

Know you will die in 20 years or don't know your gonna die in 10 years
<apple> Fine, I love you in the gayest of ways.