Original Post
My date(How it went)
Ok first I want to say sorry to all you people who got a warning of my last thread. Also there is still a Hall of Glory. That is where my last thread is.

Ontopic: My date when good until I got to her house. She never told me her mom didn't like white boys with her. Ok so she went off. We went to her room with the door closed. Then we watched Hills Have Eyes 2. Close to the good part, her mom came in and told me "Get the &^%* out of my house!". Sooo, I told my gf that I'll see her tommrow (Today). But I just found out that she is grounded!
Offtopic: I went to my pm and I got a infraction(Whatever it is.). I went to the thread and found out ALOT of you guys got it. Listen I'm very sorry to all you guys who got it. I know some of you kinda diserve it. But listen this isn't Wibbles you need to know. I found that out .

But the date was OK. The bill cost $65! Like I said it was good until we got to her house -.-!

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I'm not phased by most things, but racism is one of the few things that gets me depressed. But she might find this to be sort of a "forbidden romance."
Chicks dig that shit.
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o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Yea there would!

If I had 1 wish and it could be ANYTHING.

I would wish this:

"I wish that all Racist and Gang violence would seice. I want this magic to suck all the Racist and Violence out of every person. Make the World be a respectful place and no harsh things at all."

But you got to think how life would be without that.

It would be weird, But thats my wish.

And how did this become about Racist LOL

Ontopic for now on:

My gf is grounded until Sunday.
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