Originally Posted by Trocher3 View Post
What's your record ?
Hexagon - 83.3 second
Hexagoner - 64.5 second
Hexagonest - 21.4 second :c
Hexagon Hyper mode - 30.1 second
Hexagoner Hyper mode - 15 second
Hexagonest Hyper mode - still locked

Hexagon - 96.53 seconds
Hexagoner - 69.12 seconds
Hexagonest - 60.49 seconds
Hyper Hexagon - 61 seconds
Hyper Hexagoner - 67.56 seconds
Hyper Hexagonest - 29.58 seconds

There should be a Super Hexagon thread. lol
And my score on flappybird is 14, I don't feel it's worthy enough for me to spend much of my life on.
Last edited by Sparta; Feb 10, 2014 at 09:25 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[20:07] <@SpartaCraft> This is the sexiest potato I've ever made.
Lol.. I might just try sell my 3 year old HTC Desire HD with Flappy Birds on it an see if I can get enough money to buy me and old 2nd hand iPhone xD
The guy who created the game deleted it off of the App Store because every download is 10 cents to him and it is ruining his everyday life for some reason, idk I may be wrong, I'm dumb
Originally Posted by Kido View Post
now people try to sell there phone with flappy bird on it for like 1000 $ xD

Why not huh? xD Just get a better phone or maybe a nice new Gaming PC

Seriously doe- tomorrow I'm going to see how it's going and proceed to get the contents off of my phone and see if I can make anything from it. Knowing me I'll make like £30-40
Yeah, a lot of people uninstalled it... there are lots of shattered phones nowadays... xD
So I guess you can make money out of it :U idk