i agree, but im a green belt and im not quiting for quite a while!
i dont know how many people play toribash, so i cant estimate how many like it.i know i do though!
KANKRI: N9! N9, st9p. D9n't t9uch me, I g9t it!
Originally Posted by dalir View Post
we're all maladjusted misfits. the thing is, the asshole 12yr olds behave just as badly in this game as they do in any game, even as they do in more "normal" games.

I dont agree with this point.
I am only one year older and the point is, that we, "the asshole 12yr olds" are not assholes, cause the definition of asshole doesnt say anything about the ago of a person.
And if some people cant articulate because of any reason, or behave badly, or want to piss you off, this is a completely seperate class of people.
I am from Germany and Im learning English for the 3rd year now.And I think in those 3 years I learned to talk, so that ANYONE is able to understand what I am talking about.
The whole point:
I dont want to be put in a group, together with people that are completely different from me.
this makes perfect sense.

Most people use analog sticks to move their imaginary person about in a video game world.

Hampa thought it would be more fun to focus on just getting the character to move above anything else.
Console...er's don't like having to think when they try to kill. Put them in front of starcraft 2 or better yet, something like supreme commander, and their head will probably start bleeding internaly
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
I have to disagree.
I started few days ago, now I have an green belt (yay ). I'm really trying to fight against some friendly people and just have good time in general, since I'm not really serious of winning all the time. I met few people who are really nice and everything and we could joke around and just chat and share moves and stuff. Then there were opposite people like 'HEY MAN SHUT UP NOOB... (rest is greatly offensive)'. My friend share same interests as me, and me and him started playing this game at the same time. However, I'm still playing it, but he's not.
I'm also a 'console gamer' as you call them, I play on consoles, but I still play games like these on PC. So you can't really be negative about 'console gamers' because in the end of the day, you might see them play starcraft as someone mentioned above (I know this doesn't apply to everyone - there are ignorant little **** in the gaming world).
My point is: Even if people share same interests/hobbies or just same in some other aspects, they can still like/play different things/games.
Edit: I just noticed that I was on topic, then I went on somewhere, and I came back to topic .
Last edited by TaurasK; Jan 9, 2011 at 04:29 AM.
i agree so much tbh toribash is the type of game you either love or hate.
but the thing that makes toribash different to other online games is the community here is far more vital =] the game wouldnt survive without the forum and the forum wouldnt survive without the game
Originally Posted by Tehpixelman View Post
Well, this is incorrect, because there are alot of 12-13 year olds here.

I'm 13 years old.
Are you implying that the majority of 13 yr. olds (on the internet) are stupid?

...Wait, Nevermind.
Don't read this.