Leisure Suit Larry - Boobs

But really; The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past

LTTP is one of the most rewarding gaming experiences you'll ever have. Trust me. Just go and buy it. Now. Please. Go.
1) All series of Serious Sam (except serious sam II)
2) Team Fortress 2
3) Dark Souls/Dark Souls II
4) osu!
5) Skullgirls
6) The Legend of Zelda: ocarina of time
Originally Posted by Gum View Post
Final fantasy 7. First game where I actually felt attached to the characters and cared about them.

was really hoping someone would mention this beautiful game

1. Final Fantasy Series (specifically VII, X, and XIII) - used to love playing VII, one of the first games I got emotionally attached to and would play it for hours on end after school when I got home. When X came out, I was attached to that as much as VII, another great title which comes close to comparing to VII for me. When XIII came out, I loved it as well, but doesn't come close to X or VII. Outstanding games, but I haven't played much other than the 3 I posted

2. Metal Gear Solid Series - definitely one of my favorites, more childhood memories come streaming back whenever I think about it. I really loved the 2nd and 4th in the series, not sure how Ground Zeroes is though

3. Borderlands 2 - I loved this game. I literally spent a ton of time playing this last summer, and I had a ton of fun with all the new DLC and stuff that was coming out. The first one was okay as well, but I really got into the 2nd one.

4. Legend of Zelda: OoT - another one of those games that is close to me because of my childhood. I loved this game a lot, still play it every now and then, along with Super Mario 64. I used to speedrun this and Super Mario 64 competitively, but never got as good as any of the worldclass dudes

5. DayZ Standalone - I never got into the Arma II mod, but the standalone is great. Your heartrace can shoot from 80-150 in literally seconds, the game is super action-packed and has tons of new surprises every time you play. I love playing with squads and mowing down clans and the such. The only flaw is that it's currently in alpha, and still needs a bunch of work to be perfect

Honorable Mentions:

Civilization Series (specifically Revolution and V until the new one comes out), League of Legends (great game, kind of dumb community), Bioshock Series (specifically Infinite, really superb game, almost made my list tbh), Crash Bandicoot Series (childhood tho), Gears of War 1 and 3 (2 wasn't that fun, judgement was the worst game every made, played competitive in 1 and 3), TES Series (preferably Oblivion and Skyrim)

no particular order for honorable mentions, but ya
1. League of legends
2. Gmod
3. Toribash
4. Tf2
5. WoW ( i grew up on this )
I Buy TC from other players Via Steam, Message me if interested, I buy through Market, games, Etc. :)
Toribash - takes skill, in other fighting games, you just spam the buttons. This game is my fav since it takes pure skill. This game teaches kids how to gamble and otha shet (LOL, true) Toribash taught me how to do epic stuff.

Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
1. WoW: Because I have 6+ years of memories in that game
2: Call of Duty 4/Black ops: Because it was when my friends played call of duty
3: Runescape: It was my WoW before WoW (I no longer play)

Those are the 3 games that shaped my life, and are just amazing some games I love are
-underground 2
-crash bandicoot nitrocart
-starcraft 2
-assassin's creed 1
1. Dark Souls series
2. Final Fantasy xxx (whatever number, they're all good)
3. Black and white 2
4. Bethesda games, i.e. TES & Fallout (bcuz mods & open world + customization <3)

Edit omg...

5. FABLE series mofo's
1. Pokemon Series -Self Explanatory(If your a 90's kid or early 2000, this has to be it.)
2. Diablo 2 LOD - Childhood, grew up watching brother played, fell in love.
3. League of Legends - Like someone else said, high skill gap. Great community.
4. Battlefield 4 PS4 - Surprised this wasn't brought up
5. Cod Series- Too much time spent to not put in here...Even though I hate the game now.
Honorable Mentions - ToriBash (duh), Halo Series (Because Master Chief, and the Best Campaign of Any game out there hands down)