hmmm...yea well i dont really like to move uke often...cuz then people are like wtf...ur cheating...and for some reason people call me a hacker when im not...=/
What I generally do is try to build as much momentum as possible. When its time for the dismemberment, I make sure that most of the power is in the part I'm hitting with. Although when you have enough power you could actually get your foot deep inside the joint and that could lead up to a lot of points.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
With regards to force, it's easier to generate power when at least one part of you is touching the ground.

However, I still think precision is more important.

Also, I might be wrong, but it seems that DM's are caused by the joints being forced out of their natural position. Hence the "grippy DM's" where you grip the joint and dm it with next no no force, like in my replay here (I'm on my school pc, so I can't upload it)