Originally Posted by ToXiKz View Post
B.o.P didn't even come close to it. 2 minutes to midnight, but even when the death clock struck, they would have realised: Owait, what the fuck are we doing? Do we really wanna kill ourselves?

Cuban Missile Crisis, even though it was JFK at the time. The closest to nuclear war the world ever got to. So yeah, only after the Soviets and the U.S. finally made an agreement to take bombs out of Cuba/Turkey, the threat of nuclear war was still looming.
The myth says that the Cuban missile crisis brought the world 4 minutes away from a nuclear war.

Also Nixon, for being a general asshat, cba to go into details because most of them are already listed.
Originally Posted by ToXiKz View Post
We never had any moments THAT close to nuclear obliteration, no fucking lunatic would be stupid enough to destroy the world.

The Cuban Missile Crisis/Operation Able Archer/countless other nuclear tension situations that occurred during the Cold War beg to differ.

Originally Posted by Nathan View Post
George Bush screwed up our economy to the second lowest it ever was.
He started the war in Iraq.
He got re-elected because people were scared to switch presidents during the war.
His IQ is under 100.

Nixon was pretty bad too.
I'm not a fan of reagan, but he did a pretty good job.

All of that is just mass-produced liberal media bullshit. You're probably one of those fellows who lol's at all the misspoken Bush quotes.

Bush was far from a stupid man, he was just a lackluster public speaker. Also, he didn't "start" the war in the middle east, he retaliated to an attack (and besides that, it isn't the president's decision to go to war).

Also, from your use of vague and generalized terms like "screwed up economy" and "second lowest it ever was", it's pretty much a guarantee that you're just spouting whatever your parents/television tells you. Try to actually research what you're talking about before you go posting nonsense. This goes for all the mindless Bush-bashers out there-- granted, he wasn't the greatest political leader, but almost every common (leftist) criticism of him relies on ad hominem crap (lol bush so stoopid cuz he misspeak).
Last edited by oyster; May 11, 2010 at 04:46 AM.
back from the dead
Originally Posted by Oyster View Post
The Cuban Missile Crisis/Operation Able Archer/countless other nuclear tension situations that occurred during the Cold War beg to differ.

All of that is just mass-produced liberal media bullshit. You're probably one of those fellows who lol's at all the misspoken Bush quotes.

Bush was far from a stupid man, he was just a lackluster public speaker. Also, he didn't "start" the war in the middle east, he retaliated to an attack (and besides that, it isn't the president's decision to go to war).

Also, from your use of vague and generalized terms like "screwed up economy" and "second lowest it ever was", it's pretty much a guarantee that you're just spouting whatever your parents/television tells you. Try to actually research what you're talking about before you go posting nonsense. This goes for all the mindless Bush-bashers out there-- granted, he wasn't the greatest political leader, but almost every common (leftist) criticism of him relies on ad hominem crap (lol bush so stoopid cuz he misspeak).

Guilty as charged, but I still think Bush is at least at the bottom end of all the presidents that we've had.

And I'll be sure to do that.
Nixon for removing the publics faith in the president.
Obama's done nothing to help and lied about everything, at least Bush had the balls to say we would go to war. Obama is an overall liar and cheat. Before Obama, bush had both the highest and lowest presidential ratings ever.
Best President is easy, Eisenhower, 5-star general/ Commander in-chief.
Last edited by a_coathanger; May 11, 2010 at 06:08 AM.
Tough question, for now just know that F.D.R. is far from the worst we have ever had, and Galt, the only reasons I can think of for you to say he was the worst is either trolling or misinformation.

Reagan is pretty high up on my least favorite. Pretty much started the "war on drugs" which has since lead to countless amounts of financial waste, lives lost, and non-violent/sexual criminals spending far too long in prison.

Aaron Burr was probably the worst Vice President, if that counts for anything.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by Gubbin1 View Post
You're gunna have to do some serious convincing. The New Deal was a good thing, to be brief.

Yeah, the war definitely would have continued. Hirohito was quoted saying something along the lines of "we will not quit until every japanese citizen is dead"
The A-Bomb was just too scary.

The obvious answer is William Henry Harrison, who died after only 32 days.

Originally Posted by deady View Post
Tough question, for now just know that F.D.R. is far from the worst we have ever had, and Galt, the only reasons I can think of for you to say he was the worst is either trolling or misinformation.

Reagan is pretty high up on my least favorite. Pretty much started the "war on drugs" which has since lead to countless amounts of financial waste, lives lost, and non-violent/sexual criminals spending far too long in prison.

Aaron Burr was probably the worst Vice President, if that counts for anything.

FDR socialised the US with his "New deal" (resulting in social security nets). He legislated the creation of the SEC. He then destroyed the gold standard seizing much of the US gold. Anyone here remember the Executive Order 1066, which forced nearly one hundred thousand Americans of Japanese decent off their property and into internment camps?

FDR destroyed Smith's capitalism. FDR caused the shit to turn sour.
Originally Posted by a_coathanger View Post
Obama's done nothing to help and lied about everything, at least Bush had the balls to say we would go to war.

How about those weapons of mass destruction?

Originally Posted by Galt View Post
FDR socialised the US with his "New deal" (resulting in social security nets).

Because of this, elderly people can get living assistance. I can see why an Objectivist wouldn't be fond of it, but I think it's still a valuable program. I mean, half the Tea Party's on Medicare! The news would be awfully boring without them.

He legislated the creation of the SEC.

I don't think forcing businesses to be accountable for the profits they report is too horrible.

He then destroyed the gold standard seizing much of the US gold.

During the 1920s, many countries' economies were off the gold standard, and experienced some turbulence. As a result, by the end of the 1920s most of them had returned to the gold standard. Doubts were raised about the stability of these currencies, and the only safe asset was gold. The devaluation of the dollar that occurred after this was the direct result of investors' interest in gold.

Anyone here remember the Executive Order 1066, which forced nearly one hundred thousand Americans of Japanese decent off their property and into internment camps?

No argument here. That's bad stuff.

FDR destroyed Smith's capitalism.

I'm fine with that. Governments have influenced their economies since Sumer.

Regarding the question, I was thinking of writing something about Bush but that's tiresome and I've got classes to study for. Presidents do lots of terrible things.
Last edited by SmileyJones; May 11, 2010 at 09:49 PM. Reason: worded stuff oddly
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Tbh i probably say, Lyndon B Johnson, it was greatly his fault that the Vienameise war was such a disaster. All for the freedom of a contry who actually wanted to be communist? Nice one Johnson.
Originally Posted by Oyster View Post
The Cuban Missile Crisis/Operation Able Archer/countless other nuclear tension situations that occurred during the Cold War beg to differ.

All of that is just mass-produced liberal media bullshit. You're probably one of those fellows who lol's at all the misspoken Bush quotes.

Bush was far from a stupid man, he was just a lackluster public speaker. Also, he didn't "start" the war in the middle east, he retaliated to an attack (and besides that, it isn't the president's decision to go to war).

Also, from your use of vague and generalized terms like "screwed up economy" and "second lowest it ever was", it's pretty much a guarantee that you're just spouting whatever your parents/television tells you. Try to actually research what you're talking about before you go posting nonsense. This goes for all the mindless Bush-bashers out there-- granted, he wasn't the greatest political leader, but almost every common (leftist) criticism of him relies on ad hominem crap (lol bush so stoopid cuz he misspeak).

Exactly how I feel. Bush wasn't the worst president , the media was all that kept everybody saying he was bad. He was actually a good president considering the time he got elected.

The worst president I would say would be Clinton.
-All day I dream about soccer.