In no real order

1: Diablo 2
I have put 3000-3500 hours into this game, going to play ladder reset tomorrow.

2: ARMA 2
I have been playing it a lot lately, and I find it outstanding and fun.

3: League of Legends
I have also been playing this a lot lately, its insanely hard and fun, even more so if with friends.

4: Dark souls 1 & 2
I like one more, but they are both superb games that I will play found hours at a time.

5: Every Crash and Spyro game on PS1
Childhood in a nutshell

Honorable mentions: Starcraft, Shadow of the colossus, Tekken 5, Soul calibur 3, first 3 medal of honors, and lets just say asteroids.

While looking up spyro 2 I found this in images (SFW kinda):
UT2k4. The game is still a masterful blend of balance and fun, and I spent a good 4 years of my life playing it. Hands down one of the best, if not the best, arena shooter to be made.

CoD4 has a special place in my heart for where I met most of my online buddies, and we've been through almost 5 years of gaming together since. Also the shooter I credit for letting me realize I'm not ass at fps. Those buddies almost banned me when we first met cause they thought I was hacking. Good times ^.^

And I can't decide, but Pokemon, Metro, Civilization/Alpha Centauri, and League of Legends all sort of glob up in some weird 3rd place monstrosity of indecision. Either childhood, feels, or pure hours logged makes all of them so hard to pick favorites over the other.

Followed by Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life and LoZ: Wind Waker in another bout of indecision. Because the Gamecube was the best fucking console ever made, you shut your whore mouth.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
1. Warframe: Probably the only game I have spent a massive amount of time on where I genuinely enjoyed all of it instead of grinding for a false sense of achievement.

2. Hotline Miami: Just a genuinely fun game that I've wasted well over a week of my life playing. Which is saying quite a lot seeing as how the game is extremely linear and only takes something like 1 or 2 hours to beat.

3. Team Fortress 2: I can only play it in short bursts due to the fact that the game gets boring pretty fast but I've met the majority of my good friends on this game so it will always hold a special place in my heart.

4. LoZ: Majoras Mask will always be in my top 5 due to the fact that the Zelda games are essentially what introduced me to gaming, I never had much fun playing them myself but watching my brother play them growing up is probably my first memory of gaming.

5. I can't decide between Shadow Warrior and The Darkness II for the final slot because they're both genuinely pretty similar and awesome games in a lot of aspects.

Besides the obvious toribash.

halo 1(pc) -been playing this for 7 years and it still never gets boring
Burnout revenge- childhood favourite
Medal of honour rising sun-childhood favourite
Quake/doom - probably the first pc games I ever played
Tribal wars - very fun and memorable browser game. I probably miss this one the most
Parkour like you've never seen before:
Super Metroid - As perfect as a 2d platformer can get
Metal Gear Solid 4 - Probaly my most played console game
Super Mario 64 - just gud, never 120'd it tho.
Minecraft - Combine freedom, piece, calmness, amazing soundtrack, endless creativity, setting your own goals, exploring/adventuring etc... And you get the best game of all time.
League of Legends - Never thought I'd like it, but I got hook the moment I started playing it.
The last of us - Man tears have been shed, and I'm proud of that, by far the most grasping story I've ever experienced.
Amnesia the dark descent - Only game that ever managed to deserve the "horror" title in my book.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Final fantasy 7. First game where I actually felt attached to the characters and cared about them.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
panzer dragoon 2 cause its beautiful
titan wars (on the saturn) cause its really fun
super stardust hd because its REALLY fun also check out this fucking bangin soundtrack
wipeout hd fury cause its so rewarding
toribash for same reason as above
Last edited by pusga; May 29, 2014 at 04:48 PM.
oh yeah
1. Mass Effect
2. dota (both WC3 and Dota 2)
3. Borderlands

Nothing else touches those games, but honorable mentions
CoD4, Skyrim, Dungeon Defenders, Toribash, Dragon Ball Z budokai 2, Guitar hero, batman arkham games & Fallout 3
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