Originally Posted by Turtle View Post
Art wise there is no way Advens is in the top three. Not even Chris or tyler112. It's 13chillz taking the lead, Jebus comes second, and I would have to debate whether it's 1ntrepid or Aveance.

Have u seen anything tyler made?

Originally Posted by Shmevin View Post
Diamond is the most well rounded and skillful member that is currently active at the moment.

No offence but I really really dont think Diamond can come close to what he's done earlier. Well, I won against him earlier as well but that doesnt mean shit I guess, Diamond was a beast he kinda fell back in my opinion. Just like I did
I won Clan League 2016 #DidntEvenTry
Back at it again
^^ very true, in my opinion, iTemp is pretty good, that's mainly because he's banked me in duels >; .
But honestly there is no best player due to how this game works, that of course is my opinion.
they call me ????????????
definitally snook and cold are the strongest of all
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Alpha, by what I've heard cold's died down a bit. But N3RFPLS is in my opinion really good.
they call me ????????????
Originally Posted by Matharu View Post
Have u seen anything tyler made?

I have owned a lot of tyler's works that is why I am saying that. I own one of his robotic heads. Also, iTemp and noel are probably the best when it comes to Boxshu, I come in third. ;)
I am just an icon livin'
Matharu, you never were good, just stop.

I agree with Shmevin, Diamond is the best in ABD and really skilled and all the other main mods(Wushu, Lenshu, TK).
"Do you explore the unknown or are you afraid of losing your throne?" I am Soon.