I re-opened this thread by request.

Originally Posted by 13chillz
dangit. open up cabs thread again. and paste this gif in there. I was just getting started.

Originally Posted by Cabs View Post
Cause in both cases the tehnique is the same. You see something you draw it. You see a tree, you draw a tree. There is no way you can call it plagiarism.

i got request to create shirt like that so i took the color from shirt, and then drew flowers, which were supposed to look like those on shirt (not like those on your picture, sorry ben, you have to improve your detective skills). I am sorry for you bendover if things like redrawing visible objects are that hard for you, that you accuse me of c/p.

Bendovers flowers are sharp, mine - not so sharp. I should still have layers somewhere ( of a raw white flower drawing - my drawing)

it really is not so hard to drew something to look like something else. Thats the point of drawing, isnt it? If an artist draws a king, noone says that picture is a plagiarism of kings face, c mon.

we consider it plagiarism if you didnt draw it and dont credit the original images.
there is no problem with Copy pasting, so long as credit is given where credit is due and you arent stealing other peoples textures.
working from a reference image, and plagiarism are two different things.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Cabs sold me those hands to my current set. I paid the man 100k for the set. Are you saying that he stole them?
My alt is Oxvia
Last edited by Sean; May 21, 2014 at 05:01 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I prooved once to one of mods that i made those hands by myself. do i really need to do it again? Yiazmat saw my layers and drawings.

You are really stupid guys.

Every little piece of my work is mine. it may look similar, but i dont care about coincidences.
Stop being ridiculous. I was asking just bout the feet.

Anyway bendover i didnt copy anything. I said i was redrawing - working from a reference texture. as I said.
Last edited by Cabs; May 21, 2014 at 05:22 PM.