But that's ridiculous. Due to the higher tf, you can't control exactly how much force you use.
The thing that people don't get about wushu is that you don't play it like other modes. It isn't crude and easy like most toribash gamemodes, and thinking ahead..planning just how you want to execute a movement over a few turns and having total understanding of how to control the tori are important. The reason why everyone sucks at pulling off stylish moves/comebacks/anything not copied from other players is mostly down to not being able to think ahead many more frames than you have to for a peasant mode like tk.

The fracture ''thing'' is a problem, but not for the reasons that most people seem to think. It's set just perfect, but it's the link between bruising and fracture that is the problem. Making quick comebacks when the remaining mf are tight is a bitch when you can't put a lot of pressure on the right joints. Ofc some people just suck and fracture themselves because they don't know how to play, but they're ultimately insignificant to the gamemode anyway.
Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
But that's ridiculous. Due to the higher tf, you can't control exactly how much force you use.

You can still control how much force you want,what will the tf affect this it's totally unrelated.Also increasing the tf to about 100 wouldn't change the mod but it would really enhance and help people in comebacks other stuff.I would like to remind you that the old wushu mod had no fracture.

The thing that people don't get about wushu is that you don't play it like other modes. It isn't crude and easy like most toribash gamemodes, and thinking ahead..planning just how you want to execute a movement over a few turns and having total understanding of how to control the tori are important. The reason why everyone sucks at pulling off stylish moves/comebacks/anything not copied from other players is mostly down to not being able to think ahead many more frames than you have to for a peasant mode like tk.

The fracture ''thing'' is a problem, but not for the reasons that most people seem to think. It's set just perfect, but it's the link between bruising and fracture that is the problem. Making quick comebacks when the remaining mf are tight is a bitch when you can't put a lot of pressure on the right joints. Ofc some people just suck and fracture themselves because they don't know how to play, but they're ultimately insignificant to the gamemode anyway.

I understand where you are coming from but it's really hard to see a bruise actually,so it's a bitch to know if this joint was bruised or not.
Last edited by William; Dec 28, 2009 at 11:01 AM.
yup, bruising should really have been designed to only make DM's easier. Wushu would work a lot better if bruising didn't affect fracture, but i don't think it should be removed entirely.
i honestly think theres something wrong with the wushu 7 and 8 servers
on several accounts ive been random frac'd its to the point where no matter what i do i cant comeback without frac'ing or in more recent cases dismembering a part of my body while trying to come back, you cant do any epic or fast movements without fucking up something. To me it doesn't seem like it was ever that way before and wushu is the single mod ive played since i started the game
Originally Posted by thesorrow1 View Post
dismembering a part of my body

Ive had the same problem so many times especially when i just raise meh arm to strike pose, it just dismembers. Needs a change in the dm's and frac's.
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If it is a glitch of some sort, then yes. But you cant expect them to change the rules of a game because it is giving you trouble. There was a glitch before though, where DM was always at 100, thats why we have wushufixed.tbm
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