Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I'd say get a job where ever you can and then continually look for openings... (For a better paying job)

For example getting a job at, lets say, McDonalds probably isn't going to be very hard to do. (Not to mention over 1,000 USD a month isn't too bad for someone with a roommate(s).. (Even better if you live with your parents))

So while you are working this job you could continually look into higher paying jobs that require little or no more experience than the one you are at. (And trust me they are everywhere (Just a little harder to land))

A good example of this in the US is working for FedEx/Post Office sorting boxes and packaging's. One of those two jobs alone would give you about $15/Hr which isn't bad at all for someone still working on a degree in college/Graduating HS.

(Although personally I'd stay away from the Post Office- they are fairly unstable at this point in time)
Last edited by marcus; Sep 19, 2012 at 11:48 PM.
My advice is to follow marcus's advice.

And if marcus's advice doesn't seem too appealing, do look into mechanics, engineering, electronics or plumbing.... These are all very easy to pick up apprenticeships and start getting paid before you even know how to do the job.
Then, the work becomes easier, and your pay gets better as you back out of the apprenticeship and into full time employment. However, it's labour intensive in most cases, so if you're a lazy ass (like myself), you HAVE to look into gaming.

I mean seriously, these are some of the best paid jobs around nowadays. Being a critic or an editor for magazines, are becoming a concept artist for a games company can land you some serious cash.
Feed the birds, tuppence a bag, tuppence tuppence tuppence a baaaggg
My Avvy/Sig shop
Thx for advice. Becoming a mechanic / technician for some big nasty company seems kinda appealing for me atm, since the pay is rather high and training isn't so long.

Depends on the person, but I don't think, I could really make my career in gaming, since being a concept artist also requires some serious drawing skills And I mean, you might not be able to become a great artist any fast, it takes years. Doesn't it?
Being involved in the gaming company does not always involve drawing skills. During the creation of a game there are lots of important steps involved. The graphics team are mostly responsible for drawings. But if you are a brainy type, you could do programming but this takes a bit of time studiying and getting the proper qualfications. Start from the bottom and get to the top and you will reach whatever goal you have in mind.
㋡ My TB A$AP Homies ㋡
[PS4 - Xx_MeekMill_xX]