Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[RSO] Thread of improving
Figured we aren't actually teaching people to spar, made this thread to change that. The purpose of this org is "to help beginner sparrers learn the true beauty of sparring, and to help the skilled spread their knowledge" after all.

This thread will be full of information about sparring, tips and tricks, videos etc.
This will obviously require some work from our teachers and leaders though.
So post your best tips, usefull videos, replays people might learn from or simply a diffrent mod you've enjoyed sparring in and I shall add it to this post. I might sticky this if it gets big enough.

I'm going to start this of by adding a really usefull tutorial video, by Mocucha.

As Mocucha's video said, sparring isn't about beating up your partner, its about working together with your partner.

Blocking is always good to know. There are several ways to block a incomming kick or punch. Doing it with your hands looks best (In my oppinion). Ask your partner where they will hit you, then it's just to block that place.
You can always dodge it too.

If you go and watch Oblivion's replay "Oblivion", you'll see he had a lot of chances to actually kill his partner, but he didn't, he made it all look better with a lot of tricks and stuff.

Useful positions

Now please, pitch in and add a little knowledge

Good job. ~ Hours
Last edited by jisse; Jan 4, 2013 at 04:38 PM.
Great idea.

I'll get right onto it.

As Mocucha's video said, sparring isn't about beating up your partner, its about working together with your partner.

If you go and watch Oblivion's replay "Oblivion", you'll see he had alot of chanses to actually kill his partner, but he didn't, he made it all look better with alot of tricks and stuff.

Blocking is always good to know. There are several ways to block a incomming kick or punch. Doing it with your hands looks best (In my opninion). Ask your partner where he will hit you, then its just to block that place.
You can always dodge it too.
Great! Really useful. It helped me alot with tricking and sparring (as I'm a beginner).

And I would really ask for a game with a really old teacher or with a master to help me. Please.
If anywho can, please PM me tomorrow between 8AM - 2PM GMT+2.
(Sorry for posting in this thread for a game)
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We were meant to give tips like these ingame. We haven't been teaching anyone now because no one is taking it serious. Teachers were meant to spar students ingame, like we used to, and provide tips. If they needed any other help, we'd give them replay examples.

I don't have any full authority, but I find this thread useless. If you guys would take the time to actually go ingame and teach them, that'd work.

Cause, you know, that's what the teacher's are supposed to do.
the goblin
How can you find this useless?
I'd say this is a great way to learn, it consumes less time as well. And sience I hardly ever enjoy sparring in mp anymore I never teach anyone things ingame.
Then that's why you provide CnC on replay thread. I feel like we've all forgotten our responsibilities. I don't provide Cnc because whenever a student actually wants to spar me and learn, I'm up for it. Lately, they haven't been doing that, so I'm not put to use.

That and I honestly don't consider moc's video entirely helpful. Feels far too boring and long. 17 minutes man... I thought we had enough learning with school. I'm not saying everyone is lazy, but most students just want the gist of sparring tips, which will help them develop their own style.

But I'll just let it go. His video is nice, I'll admit that.
Last edited by Marrez; Jan 5, 2013 at 10:17 PM.
the goblin
This thread is good in addition to sparring, dude.
It's not going to replace it. There are tips there besides the video, too.
wow that
But I'm feeling like this is just an excuse for Teachers to... you know, not teach.

Because "Hey, there's a video that'll teach them everything they need to know!"

But hey, who knows, this might actually work. Until I see some straightforward proof though, I'm not entirely sure.
the goblin
Alot of the teachers don't have time to go online. And if someone of them mess up, the whole match is in a need to get resetted.

A simple thread with a video can teach alot.