Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[BLEU] That "I need a teacher" thread.
Basically this is a thread where you can ask for help from the teachers in a certain mode. Enjoy.
master of the universe
Judo and Akido
My time zone is GMT -8. I'm looking for some people in Bleu who would be on and willing to train in Judo and Akido. I'm not looking for a master really, just someone to informally fight against, basically a training partner or two. Anyone interested?

EDIT: Sorry for not posting here to start, I just figured training partner wouldn't be off topic for this thread. I'm not looking for a teacher exactly, but oh well.
Last edited by Thatguyzeke; Mar 1, 2011 at 04:18 AM.
Originally Posted by Thatguyzeke View Post
That's not bad at all. What mods are you good at?

um... I play almost every official mod (except classic and tech) and some fun mods.

I am better at Ninjutsu > Lenshu > kickbox, judo, wushu, Taek. (almost equally good at these 6... and don't forget 50% of my skill depends on my luck)

Not so good at Aikido (really need to practice more) > Sambo (almost the same as aikido) > Twinswords (haven't been playing for a few months)
"Ikorose, Shinso!" Member of: [Bleu] Bleu, [Aka] Akatsuki.| Leader of [TLOD] The Lightning of Decapitation| Art: Gimp(Texture), Photography
i can teach people wushu and judo ..even akido but..im not to ggood at akido

click here

I am looking for one of two things... a) someone to give pointers (a teacher) in aikido or wushu or b) a training partner