Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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freedom movie 2009 (free movie)
1-4 of 19. if you are open to the ideas expressed in this free film please look the rest up yourself.
are we really free?

also i dont like the talk of close minded people in this discussion
for anything is possible.
Last edited by thesorrow1; Oct 30, 2009 at 07:34 AM.
Obviously not. Whenever there is a higher power it means were not free. We are all victims to some sort of jail whether it's society or higher power. It's in human nature to seize control look at how many animals we dominated through the ages. Thought is something extremely complex and it has needs whether it's consciously or subconsciously and one need is control without it we fear and who likes to fear? The thing that has stricken you with fear is obviously in control. It isn't so hard to put society into denile considering not many of us knows what happens behind these massive buildings full of elites. The only means to actually be free is to revert back to how we were a few thousand years ago without the knowledge of some form of religion. Hierarchies will need to be rid of, but freedom isn't something I would like considering the people these days.
Last edited by T0ribush; Oct 29, 2009 at 09:59 PM.
Originally Posted by conspiracy video
Anytime that you do something you don't want to do, that's Slavery. Work is enslavement, school is slave training. School teaches you to obey authority without questioning anything, beginning at a time when the mind is vulnerable... etc etc biggest conspiracy of all-time etc

I stopped watching after that quote.

Do you even know what this video is? It's a conspiracy video. They're a dime a dozen nowadays. A radical minority of lunatics who are hell bent on destroying the establishment and raving about the great things that anarchy will do for society, all the while using abominable logic to justify the claims. Just like Zeitgeist, which this movie seems to be just a copy of.

My advice is to ignore it and move on, as logical debate is useless.
Zeitgeist is better and has more detail and the governments are all fucked and if anyone doesn't know that they are sure living in a life full of denile such as the religous people who stops the evolutionary process of humanity. Zeitgeist also looked at other problems such as money, religion and elites. This is only some part of it. It's basically the same thing. Humanity isn't going in one direction it's spreading in every direction people want to go that way the others the more fortunate want to go the other it's all very clear like religion. Sorry for the constant comparison it's just anything that is ridiculous can relate to religion. School is the higher form of slave training. You wake up, you go to school sit on your ass for 75 minutes then go for break then you go back to work for another hour than you have an hour lunch then back on your ass for another 2 hours. What establishment? All I see is more failure for as long as we follow it. I'm kind of a misanthropist because humanity is nothing but a destructive force in the natural order of the planet. I see all, such as the lust for power or also known as money ever since the money has been made things went downhill from there. Trading a spoon for a fork is more logical and less wasteful and not corrupt. Earth isn't so peaceful. It's full of hate, corruption and just more hate. There is the good side apart of all this such as knowledge. School is preparing you for Labor or also known as slavery in disguise.
Last edited by T0ribush; Oct 30, 2009 at 12:01 AM.
Commenting as I watch:

Well, the labeling of morgan, rockefeller, and rothchild as terrorists and enemies....that already sets an alarm.

While I liked studying Jefferson in US history, that quote is pretty much a slippery slope fallacy. A better one would be that he wanted things to be controlled by the citizens, aka public. However, he actually wanted only educated citizens, but everyone could be educated. John Adams, a Federalist, believed that only the elite should control the government. Why value one (ancient) president over the other? It's not as if one is any more relevant to current circumstances.
haha, I could imagine my US teacher having a field day with this :]


Okay, once it got to the banker control part....It's just too much :/

On the carlin guy: I find it hard to believe a guy who speaks with his eyes closed and waves from side to side. That is, a guy who convinces through skepticism, rather than logic.

The last part is just nonsense, as already pointed out.

Yeah...this video went from mildly interesting, to a total waste of 9 minutes >_>
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Incognito - [o]
the point of this movie is to say that anything can happen
the government and the people are quick to claim videos like this conspiracy theories, the the real thing im trying to point out is any thing is possible anything can happen the possibility are endless.

also fyi there are more parts to this on youtube its in a series of clips that total a 3 hour movie

this is the original site
Last edited by thesorrow1; Oct 30, 2009 at 07:40 AM.
Originally Posted by BlakNWyte View Post
I stopped watching after that quote.

Do you even know what this video is? It's a conspiracy video. They're a dime a dozen nowadays. A radical minority of lunatics who are hell bent on destroying the establishment and raving about the great things that anarchy will do for society, all the while using abominable logic to justify the claims. Just like Zeitgeist, which this movie seems to be just a copy of.

My advice is to ignore it and move on, as logical debate is useless.

why dont you sit down and watch the hole thing instead of dismissing the idea of this movie at the first sight glimpse of what can happen to you and me, instead of being an ignorant fuck. no offense

Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
Zeitgeist is better and has more detail and the governments are all fucked and if anyone doesn't know that they are sure living in a life full of denile such as the religous people who stops the evolutionary process of humanity. Zeitgeist also looked at other problems such as money, religion and elites. This is only some part of it. It's basically the same thing. Humanity isn't going in one direction it's spreading in every direction people want to go that way the others the more fortunate want to go the other it's all very clear like religion. Sorry for the constant comparison it's just anything that is ridiculous can relate to religion. School is the higher form of slave training. You wake up, you go to school sit on your ass for 75 minutes then go for break then you go back to work for another hour than you have an hour lunch then back on your ass for another 2 hours. What establishment? All I see is more failure for as long as we follow it. I'm kind of a misanthropist because humanity is nothing but a destructive force in the natural order of the planet. I see all, such as the lust for power or also known as money ever since the money has been made things went downhill from there. Trading a spoon for a fork is more logical and less wasteful and not corrupt. Earth isn't so peaceful. It's full of hate, corruption and just more hate. There is the good side apart of all this such as knowledge. School is preparing you for Labor or also known as slavery in disguise.

very well put toribush,i believe in this modern form of slavery that is everywhere today, i think the time has come that we break the system in which we live by and depend on.
Last edited by thesorrow1; Oct 30, 2009 at 07:52 AM.
As much as i would like to break it and stop the lots and lots of madness, at the same time i dont have a better plan laying on my desc ( thats whats frustrates me the most i wouldnt know how ) and i think that people like

I stopped watching after that quote.

Do you even know what this video is? It's a conspiracy video. They're a dime a dozen nowadays. A radical minority of lunatics who are hell bent on destroying the establishment and raving about the great things that anarchy will do for society, all the while using abominable logic to justify the claims. Just like Zeitgeist, which this movie seems to be just a copy of.

My advice is to ignore it and move on, as logical debate is useless.

Who just like to ridicule these ideas, without even taking a fair look at it are vastly outnumbering people who do have an open mind and dont ridicule others.

The "ignorant fuck" was a well deserved remark, i mean common BlakNWyte, is it such an effort to have some respect to actually talk to someone without disgarding their opinion like its just useless trash.

But on the other hand it makes a perfect example, because it is discarded as total rubbish ( by the majority ) it could just as well be true but it is just denied and ignored.
Numbers are needed if you want to change things. And sadly enough there are lots of people out there that believe anything their teacher tells them and anything the mainstream media throws in their face, every other news that contradicts it, is just lies to and rubbish.

In my opinion: Not all of us are ready to accept the great responibillity of being consious. Most of us just live their entire lives in complete denial. But thats just in my experience.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"