Original Post
The following have been kicked.
G4rules19 and Lukas125.

Say your goodbyes, if you want to.
collect snots from the nose
Gynx had a few issues with his postings. He wasn't following the clan rules, and never really read the stickies cause he was always making threads that should have belonged in a sticky. I actually had to merge some of them into the stickies. I liked playing against lukas in game too, although he was a HUGE farmer...

As Gynx put it: they were both holding the clan back.

/me thinks Lukas is in DR now anyway.
(Hive people only, haha!)
Has anyone noticed that since Senflow quit she's been in (and these are her words) "Loads and loads" of different clans. Yesterday I saw her at about 4 and she was in one clan, then at around 7 I saw her again, in a different clan. wtf. lol.
Ah, Senflow. Apparantly everyone sexually harrassed her and thats why she left, she's meant to be posting screenies on the forum, but i dont believe she has any, anyone like to prove me wrong and fess up?
collect snots from the nose
I've heard that, and called her out on it multiple times and still no screens. She "Doesn't want someone getting kicked out of a clan because of her." So I told her that until she comes forward with some proof, we're gonna see it as never happening, and she's a liar. That's something that you come forward with immediately, if it's true.