Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[D-VII] Disscusion Thread
Here we gonna talk about absolutely everything. Try to reduce number of unessesary threads about random things and post everything here. This thread is gonna be like our old DSC board.
Last edited by War; May 20, 2010 at 05:54 AM.

u guys i got a real funn story XD so here we go

i was on my way to job when a bagger got on the bus i didnt care XD so as we go on with the way he comes to pple and ask them for money in the bus i was like 0.o he kept askin everyone at least 2 times i said no ofc but then i kinda regret it cause he isnt askin for money with no reason he dosent have any so i was like kinda feelin bad but then i thought to myself " why dont he get a job or something " or how is thet happen i mean he could have be like thet cuase of drugs not like weed once in a day like heroin or crack and stronger drugs or he could lost hes money in gamblin idk anywyas what u guys think ? should i gave him some money thet day ? or hould i do what i did ? i would like to hear ur opinion guys plz share
...i dont believe in charity. it's something that makes you feel good about yourself but in most cases doesnt really help.
when you give a beggar 5 bucks, he can go buy some food, or more probably his beer or some cigarettes. and thats good. he will be thankful and feel that you are a good persone and be thankful. and you feel good because you did something good and made a person happy. and that is all good. but imagine you give every guy what he wants because he wants it. you just cant do it...
so i say, if you have enough money, and have a good day and some very kind guy or whatever wants money go ahead and give him some money.

but know this: you giving a beggar even a 100 bucks wont solve any real problem for anyone! so never feel bad because you cant give somebody some change. this beggar or whoever wont get a new chance in life because you gave him 2,5 or 100 bucks. he wont pay his depths with it, he wont make up with his family because of it, he wont stop his addiction, get a job with it.

if you want really make a difference you get a job as a socialworker or something (srsly my mother is a social worker). and dont fuck people over. dont support assholes, by working for them, buying from them. voting. or invite a starving man for a soup and some bread.

xD ok i got carried away i'm superstoned. know what i mean? any questions? or optional just ignor this post.
Last edited by iznogood; May 21, 2010 at 03:58 PM.
i kinda thought the same obiuosly if u gave a buck or 2 to a begger wont help him for the long term XD thnx for respondin i want to hear more opinions XD
lol Yeah I would have gave it him, I see beggars and automaticly try to break them down to sections of thinking.

Have I seen this beggar before?
His speach and how he addresses the people hes asking...
Also I try to predict what he may spend it on.

One time i got asked for change i took him chicken shop for a meal lol
lol takuan XD

and yeah it could be more helpfull to buy them a meal so u see they aint buyin there dope or go and buy some alcohol more responds XD