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Growing mushrooms
So I just found out it's fairly straightforward to grow mushrooms at home. You could even grow Oyster mushrooms and get like $7 a pound for 'em at a farmers market.

Process seems pretty easy. You just get some mushroom spores, and make some kind of substrate to put the spores on, and then you have a jar of mycelium after a few weeks and can put that in a fish tank to grow some mushrooms! Then you have some delicious or not so delicious mushrooms!

The main thing is you have to be really sterile about it. Like 200% germophobe sterile. Going as far as to sterilize everything in a 15 psi pressure cooker, which I bought for the occasion.

Supplies are on their way. Soon I'll have more mushrooms than I can handle

Anyone else every grow any mushrooms? Shitake? Oyster? Other kind?

Or anyone interested in growing too?

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