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How to do and counter suplex?
Story is, I today was one of 3 last players in a rbtourney for adamant force as prize... Rules was "no lifting / shovels" allowed. I did my kick, we ended up with both hand clapped. To not break the rules, I tried to pull back but didn't rly have ground for that and enemy basically pulled me on him and then suplexed and I didn't see to be able to do anything. Host allowed him to do that and I got back lifted over the dojo.

Only thing I know I could've done is lift him early so he couldn't pull me over him like that...

So could somebody teach me a proper suplex technique and tips and also how to counter it (if you got both hands clapped by him), please?

Power of the flop.
Don't do anything, just relax all and then at the last moment pull into him and try pulling him forward.
"and I have tons of friends" Deakster/Dickmaniac/Deak
Originally Posted by smosh023 View Post
Lower you body. and make him collapse or something.

I don't think it's so easy. He somehow gets palms in a position when you're already 90 degree from his body with contracted palms as minimum.
Originally Posted by Tinerr View Post
who could make a serious tourney with such rules?

Originally Posted by NinjaVodou View Post
Power of the flop.
Don't do anything, just relax all and then at the last moment pull into him and try pulling him forward.

As I said with smosh, I think he had 90 degree angle from him with me having contracted palms, so I think I couldn't do it.

Could someone PM me and teach me ingame so we see how it goes?
How to Suplex:

Get low, allow the opponent to apply a force against you, and move with him rather than against him. Essentially it's like a lift that you don't push out all the way (like maybe you only extend one hip and raise one shoulder) until you show him going behind you instead of forward or straight up.

How to Counter it:

Get lower. Contact knees. If you're lower than him when the suplex starts, you'll be above him when the suplex is over for you to just extend all and DQ his hands outside the dojo.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
How to do suplex in abd
First you have to lower hands and contract knees and pecs in first fram
In second frame extend knees and ankles don't raise!
In third raise and watch your oppenet will get a suplex
How to counter it
Just contract wrist and raise i always do it and it works
russians confirmed to be the worst tourney hosts and not knowing what lifts are. "no lifting allowed" is the most ridiculous rule i've heard of, like banning knees first in jousting, or moving in wushu
Russians lift all the time soooo xD , I just counter them by contracting wrists and extending pecs. Then adding pressure once they are close to the ground by extending my wrists and contracting pecs.
To counter his suplex you had to grab his elbows to control them. When you got suplexed you had to extend your wrists, so his elbows will touch the floor.

Second way is to push your leg in space after his leg. When he wants to suplex you, you extend your leg and it makes footstep, so his body get lower and he fails.
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