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Making a Mini Cooper
4 hours in


School starts soon, 1 year of 3d modeling coming up for my bachelor thesis, this is like a warm-up for that :P getting back after a lazy summer.
Haven't yet decided if I want to model the tire threads or use bump+texture :/

this is my reference
Last edited by Ezeth; Aug 17, 2013 at 04:58 PM.
I've tried modelling cars before and I can say that it's harder than it looks, at least making them look good. The basic shape of it can be done pretty easily but once you get to connecting all the panels and adding the details you can lose it easily. I don't even remember how many times I gave up on modelling cars because of it.

Great job so far tho, you seem to have a pretty solid start so I wish you the best of luck with it. As for the tyre threads, if you can make them look ok by modelling instead of bump I'd say to go for it as you will have much more control over it and it will most likely look better IMO.

Now that I've seen you I think I'm gonna try again for the sake of it. Maybe I'll make a thread of myself and post my WIP's there to motivate me or something.
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Yeah I know how hard car modeling is, to get it accurate. I probably won't get it accurate on this, my 2nd attempt at modeling cars. But I need the practice, so I can be able to complete a good looking car before this year is over. I am trying my best to make every detail as good looking as possible, but I must say man the tinyest details I do wrong quickly stacks against me. :P

Yeah I think I'll go with modeling the actual tire threads then because you guys suggest it even if it requires a bit more CPU.

Good luck vlad! do you want the same car? if you do you can have my reference images.

Some progress

Took me 2-3 hours just to do these extra bits. Tail-lights in progress.

Last edited by Ezeth; Aug 23, 2013 at 05:27 PM.
fancy, nice topology too, from what i can see.
Modelling by blueprints always frustrated me.
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The front license plate is too fat :P Shrink the width a bit.
Also in the back it's mirroring it and it looks a bit strange, maybe bend it like the car's shape so it does't look off.
Other than that is actually pretty good!