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Battle Los Angeles
Basically its about an event that occurs in modern day Los Angeles which results in meteors striking Earths surface and an attacking alien race invading Earth and extermenating humans for Earths resources. Its a pretty crazy movie and the trailer is beyond spooky.

Enjoy it. Also I would chaulk this down as one of the greatest movie trailers of our time.

Also apparently an event occured in the early 1900's that resulted in people seeing and hearing an airspace battle only to be shut down by a Military Officer claiming it was flares and disfigured weather baloons.
Last edited by ATD; Feb 18, 2011 at 11:18 AM.
[OLDA]|[Ultimate]|Order of Taekkyon| ex-GameMaster
Questions concerns? Pm me
Another Independence day?
Thank god for Americans, they always save poor us from the aliens.
Only if Extraterrestrials are winning in the end I'll watch it. That would be at least plausible.
I'm quite interested in this, and no it's not another independence day. In that case "zomg, more war of the worlds?"

Anyways, this looks cool, I like the technology they aliens have, Also I don't like how this was filmed, it's like a Neill Blomkamp wannabe, where Neill's looks like it's filmed so you are sitting with the characters, this has that potential, but it still has that movie look, It's a weird filter. It's noticeable if you watch Quarantine and REC, both have pretty much the same parts, but the filter is different.

ALSO, couldn't help, but notice the Avatar 2 trailer... really? really?
I saw a trailer while I was at the gym. There wasn't sound, so I voiced it over myself. Soldiers! Explosions! FIREEE! Ratatatatat. EXPLOSIONS! Fire!!!

Yeah, I don't expect anything more than action.
Loved the trailer.
I think I have a weakness for trailers with unusual music (Crysis 2, Dead Island, to name a few)
hopefully will be a more realistic alien movie, maybe a more action-y district 9
Obviously not a kamikaze platypus.
Don't press the DEATH BUTTON!
I would say that this film live up to expectations you if you are expecting the right things. This is a film about alien invasion so we must remember that throughout the film. It is similar to the horizon, but better and on that note the horizon was a bad movie. When I go to a movie like this expect big booms and big foreign and what you get from this film.
Seems like its just going to be another one of those alien movies. Americans need to get a little more original. It might be alright though, maby some booms and bangs in it :o
I dont expect anything more than what skyline was. Except maybe actual actors
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