not even gonna lie this is a lot better than anything else you made that
"wasnt normal"
the door effect or whatever was pretty jaggy, should have made that a little bit cleaner even though i dont see a point for having it at all
velo is awful
otherwise yes, this is better than everything else you've made ever.
Originally Posted by uhm View Post
not even gonna lie this is a lot better than anything else you made that
"wasnt normal"
the door effect or whatever was pretty jaggy, should have made that a little bit cleaner even though i dont see a point for having it at all

rushed making and it added it too fuck around.

Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
velo is awful
otherwise yes, this is better than everything else you've made ever.

i hate u both.
also velo is not the reason why it's shit.
my cuts were horrible because aae was shitting it's fuck all day yesterday and this morning i tried to finish it.

will work on cuts tho
imo it's the velo..
i'm talking about the velo on your cines specifically.
Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
imo it's the velo..
i'm talking about the velo on your cines specifically.

oh yah
ill work on that