Original Post
(Suplex) Suplex
[ ] 5 Members
[ ] 10 Members
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[ ] win 1 clan war
[ ] win 5 clan wars
[ ] win 10 clan wars
[ ] win 20 clan wars
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[ ] 10 pages with good posts on clan thread
[ ] 20 pages with good posts on clan thread
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-be a active member-
-dont spam for a promotion-
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Last edited by Poko; Apr 23, 2014 at 12:12 PM.
hey my name is IProNo
I'd like to join your clan because I am bored of sitting around doing noting, I want to help the clan and do clan wars.
I am brown belt
my rank is 70926
can i join becouse i would love to be a part of a clan.... i am a brown belt... i woult like to help your clan..... in game my name is MattyMSG