Original Post
+Where is my tc?
First of all i am the player called AkumaBeast and i am not making this thread with him since i cannot post in the forum due to my email change.

I used your chat support system in order to get help and i was told hampa has my tc and that i should send an email to

Well 2 days have passed and i still dont have an answear in what happenned to my 300000.00 tc ( 300k tc ) that althought i dont have them, it doesnt appear in my account that i wasted them.

Proofs that i had that tc:

- My market shop which has a 950k profit and its low in items which means that i should have a great ammount of tc
- Outside deals such as my account history proves
- My 250k full texture set request that i made. Obviously in order to made i should have at least 250k

I ask for some fairness and for my 300k to be send quickly to me with a bonus of 50% because:

- There was no warning of this happenning
- There was no information at all
- There were no proofs that i did something against the game
- I was affected in my business and i had to stop every activity
- I had to stop my 250k set request

I have to say i used this support system sometimes due to scammers and that i was amazed with your help but i dont know why this is taking so much time to solve.

I would request for only moderators and inside game persons to talk in this thread since no normal player can be helpfull.

Kind regards, AkumaBeast
You most likely got hacked.Contact gynx or siku about this.It happened to me before but they sorted it all out in 10 mins and got everything back.Actually just contact any online admin..
Tint is sex.
Hidan ... i already talked to an online admin but problemme wasnt resolved in 10 minuts , thats why i created the thread
you received 1mil tc from a duel abuser named timeshift, transferred the tc around your accounts and bought flames with that money, this is most likely why you lost the tc
siku.. akumabeast never touched that tc only this account with which i made 3 flames that were taken from this account as all of its tc as you can see in my account history

the 300k was fair money you really had no reason to take from me

as i see you havent analysed the situation very well and took my 300k with no proof , only based in the 1millon that never reached akumabeast as you can see in my account history

pls i request the tc is sent back because the 1million tc from timeshift is gone a long time ago and had nothing to do with my main account

and i have to add that yes i made the 3 flames , because i knew the tc could be tracked down with the account history. i have to say it was only an experiment with the flame forer and i didnt really cared if this account could be baned, but taking my 300k without warning from an account that has NOTHING to do with the 1million is really a bad thing

i hope you havent mistaken and checked muppettc account history instead of Akumabeast's acount history. Pls read the first post properly in that case
Last edited by Muppettc; Jan 17, 2010 at 05:14 PM.
hampa deleted your TC to reverse some farming TC.

As i said before, be patient and wait, or try to get a hold on him on irc.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email if you have found a bug!

thank you , that was the information i needed.

but what you mean by farming tc? cause randomly delete all my tc its kinda strange
Originally Posted by Muppettc View Post
and i have to add that yes i made the 3 flames , because i knew the tc could be tracked down with the account history. i have to say it was only an experiment with the flame forer and i didnt really cared if this account could be baned, but taking my 300k without warning from an account that has NOTHING to do with the 1million is really a bad thing

Not exactly good thinking on your part. Using TC that you knew would get you banned because you "didn't care"?

Oh, and you're in no position to demand a 50% bonus when, or rather, if, your TC gets returned.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
hanzo ... that tc has nothing to do with this so its not about being a good thing to say, its about saying the truth and it was taken from me a long time ago, and remmember it was a long time ago thing

And i didnt care about the account not the part of using the tc since it was already in use

And yes i am in a positiong to ask for a 50% in this case. you are relating with this subject something that has nothing to do which is timeshift problemme.
Just because i said a truth about some thing that HAPPENNED A LONG TIME AGO , i say again , doesnt mean you can be rude and relate both things. I am a fair player and i hope you treat me like one, thank you
Last edited by Muppettc; Jan 17, 2010 at 07:26 PM.