Original Post
Bad Situations.


I thought it would be cool to make a thread of various not-so-good situations and ways to get out of them, just for fun.

Each situation will be up for a week for people to openly comment on them, and then I'll post another. You can send me a PM if you have a good idea for one.

Here's the first one:

You're in an elevator with three people people pointing guns at you. You notice that they all put their fingers on the trigger at the same time, preparing to shoot you. It will be three minutes until you reach your floor. What do you do to not die?

i know the picture is super bad, not much I can do with a chromebook
Last edited by Kahn; Sep 29, 2016 at 07:03 PM.

I mean, if three guys are in an elevator about to shoot me. There isn't much I can do.

I guess I'd just stand there and hope I don't get shot for 3 minutes.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
pull down my pants and prepare to clench my teeth
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Before lmods/smods whatever close this thread, how about you just delete the shitty comments and give it a chance.

I'd probably try to talk my way out of it as I really don't possess that much physical strength and I don't have the best reflexes :v. The adrenaline rushing wouldn't be to much help when there are three guys, all with guns. Also this was an interesting read. Don't know if it's that much of a help if a situation like it came around, but you can never be to prepared amiright?
i would tell them to put the guns down and fight me like a freaking man and not coward down and den i would beet der azzes
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
I'd tell them I have a custom belt in this cool rag doll game named toribash. A lot of things can happen when i say this...
but none end in death.
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
Firstly, I'd use my super awesome ninja powers to break one of their wrists using my super kick of doom

Secondly, I'd unbalance them by punching the bottom of the elevator, making it vibrate amazingly intensely

Lastly, I'd use my Secret Forbidden Technique Shadow clone jutsu to hold off all 3 of them as I run off to go get my dad to take care of them.

Pretty tough situation but i think I'd manage