Original Post
Playstation network connection.
Hi folks. I got this problem: I am trying to connect to the internet with my PS3, but, when I am supposed to pick the SSID, the chosen one got an 'Ä' in it. however, the Ps3 does only support ASCII letters. 'Å', 'Ä' and 'Ö' is not ASCII letters. Is there any way to bypass this? Thanks.
also, if this is in the wrong section, I am sorry. This seems to be the best place, and I ccouldn't find any rules about this, because the Ps3 is a kind of computer.
<Catguy19.0> "Quote me."
The simplest way is to change your SSID.

You can do this by searching a tutorial for your wireless router on Google. The method of changing it will be different for each router (you will need to find out your router's default IP address), but a general tutorial can be found here.