Original Post
These fucking posts.
None of them are posting correctly.

Is this going to be fixed anytime soon? It's becoming annoying.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
somebody suggested that they add seconds inside posts so idk if devs are gonna implent it because srsly you are right about it
its really annoying .
if you mention a thread, could you actually read so you do not post useless stuff?

Originally Posted by suomynona
Okay, this isn't a terrible suggestion, if and only if it was the correct solution to this problem.

It's not, post times are already measured in seconds. They're just not displayed in seconds.

The issue is that the server clock occasionally gets nudged one way or another. So while I wouldn't mind having the ability to see the second a post was posted for completely unrelated reasons, it won't solve this issue.

anyways, I would also like to see this fixed, somehow. Coding is like a spanish village to me, so I have no idea what it would take to do this, altough it doesnt look all that simple.