Original Post
Hi all,
I think its about time we held a tournament. It will be a knockout
tournament that is not at a set time and will last a few weeks probably.
Ill make a breacket for it when we have some participants.
I might put an advert for it in our allies forums again so we get more contestants which is what we want. The tournament will start when we have a fair few people who have applied.


1st Place- 45k
2nd Place- 25k
3rd Place- 20k

Any donations to make the prizes look even more tasty will be excepted.

Donations so far:
30k- Clan Bank
60k- VelocityX

Here is how to set the mod that will be used for the tourney.

/set mod aikido.tbm
/set dojosize 800
/set mf 500
/set tf 10,20,20,30,30,35,35,40,40,40,50,50,50,50

So yeah, thats the settings you will need.
Its pretty much identical to the mod used for the "team sambo" tourney.

And here are the general rules for the in-game matches.

1. Each match will be first to 6 (best of 11).
2. No over excesive flamming, spamming etc.
3. No need to save the replays or any of that kind of stuff.
4. Winner will go to the next round and loser will be knocked out.
5. Enjoy yourself and dont take this to seriously.

Participants so far

1. VelocityX (Renegade) Out
2. Stupinator (Bloodbath) Out
3. OfPhailure (Phantom) Out
4. Geast (Phantom)
5. kriskoree3 (Renegade) Out
6. UncleanSp (Bloodbath) Out
7. Deagle1130 (Renegade) Out
8. box (Renegade) Out
9. BlakNWyte (elite) Out
10. sprooj (Phantom) Out
11. TieBasher (Renegade)
12. OfPhridge (Phantom) Out
13. Alessandro (Urban) Out
14. hanzarce (Renegade)
15. Deathsoldi (Renegade) Out
16. Ramenlover (Triforce) Out
17. Samicah (Phantom) Out
18. alien0 (Triforce)
19. ksarn (Phantom) Out
20. Xenmas (Renegade)
21. Magmaa (Renegade) Out

Invited by VelocityX

22. Gamer4200
23. hidingwarior (Elite) Out
24. Daxx666 (Toriknights) Out
25. DrTre Out
26. bdo (Alpha) Out
27. HybridX3 (DAT) Out
28. RAYClovis (Phantom) Out
29. MatoX Out
30. AX7 (Evolution) Out
31. EXbattle (Toriknights) Out
32. Nirs (Hack)



UncleanSp- 4 vs Geast- 6 (Geast wins)

OfPhailure- 3 vs BlakNWyte- 6 (BlakNWyte wins)

Ksarn vs Magmaa (ksarn through due to inactivity of magmaa)

VelocityX- 2 vs Ramenlover- 1 (Ramenlover forfeit)

Samicah vs Deathsoldi (Deathsoldi through due to inactivity of Samicah)

Hanzarce- 6 vs sprooj- 0 (Hanzarce wins)

Box- 6 vs Stupinator- 1 (Box wins)

Kriskoree3- 6 vs OfPhridge- 0 (kriskoree3 wins)

Xenmas- 6 vs AX7- 4 (Xenmas wins)

RAYClovis- 3 vs alien0- 6 (alien0 wins)

Deagle1130 vs TieBasher (Deagle1130 forfeit)

Gamer4200- 6 vs hidingwarior- 4 (Gamer4200 wins)

Daxx666- 0 vs bdo- 6 (bdo wins)

DrTre- 6 vs HybridX3- 3 (DrTre wins)

Alessandro- 3 vs Nirs- 6 (Nirs wins)

Exbattle- 1 vx MatoX- 6 (MatoX wins)

Round 2

Geast- 6 vs BlakNWyte- 4 (Geast wins)

Ksarn- 5 vs VelocityX- 6 (VelocityX wins)

Deathsoldi vs Hanzarce (Hanzarce through due to inactivity on Deathsoldi)

Box vs Kriskoree3 (kriskoree3 through due to box and internet problems)

Xenmas vs alien0

Tiebasher vs Gamer4200

bdo- 6 vs DrTre- 5 (bdo wins)

Nirs- 6 vs MatoX- 3 (Nirs wins)

Quarter Finals

Geast- 6 vs VelocityX- 4 (geast wins)

hanzarce- 6 vs Kriskoree3- 5 (hanzarce wins)

- vs -

bdo- 5 vs Nirs- 6 (Nirs wins)

Semi Finals

Geast vs hanzarce

- vs Nirs


- vs -

Last edited by Suspect; Feb 16, 2009 at 11:44 AM.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
x.x? so that was the clan bank donation for to host a tourny though it was to help other members.
But oh well D:
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