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Amazingbox 4- first punch found
If anyone has seen amazing box 4 by patrick, you'll know what i'm talking about, the first punch is quick and instantly rips off ukes arm, in 30 frames! Demo settings:

Hold all
Extend pecs
lower shoulders
contract elbows
space x2
Cintract left pecs
right rotating chest
raise left shoulder
extend left elbow
grabby hands

there it is!
to get ready for the next move i believe you:
lower left shoulder
contract left elbow
extend left pec
left rotating shoulder

i hope you found that useful, though not complete it is still a great punch on its own.
Re: Amazingbox 4- first punch found There you go. Now LEARN SOME FRIKIN GRAMMAR! You sound retarded. "omg i m t3h r0fler 0f d00m i r n00b!" grammer pl0x! Owned.
I've been sentenced to life in a rich white banker's scrotal sac!
Re: Amazingbox 4- first punch found
Ahh, i didnt know there was a site with them, my mistake, well it a moral victory for finding it on my part!