Original Post
im leaving!
ok everyone im srry i have an invitation to go to uti its a great clan has 5th dan and up the loweest belt is orange and hes awesome and im accepting i hope u guys dont get mad at me i wil still post on here
and hope i can get back in if i get kicked out of the clan srry ppl please dont get mad at me
ok guys u guys probalby hate me now but im clan hopping cause i get in a clan and i want to stay but i get a good offer and

everyone besides shicken me warbanana and shicken worked it out i no u dont want me to leave so im gonna be in two clans [IN]-uTi so dont be mad at me for being in 2 clans but im in ur clan so can i still post on the forums?
NO! you have to choose one or the other... no clan jumping...
Have A Nice Day/Night/Afternoon/Evening/etc.
/invade Oh SNAP! XD jk but if you want to clan jump i support that, but its kind of ignorant....if i was you i would let them have a bribe war over you. ether way you get a clan, and a little pocket change at that

Think of it as an auction but its for whos clan you end up in :P
Technical Old School. - It exists.