Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Cnbl] Story
The Cannibal Clan Story and how we came to be.....

After being troubled about everything that has happened to me, I begun to have nightmares, nightmares of horrible, unforgiving things in my past. In the middle of the night I would wake, and I found myself eating and devouring Tori Flesh.......I LIKED IT. I began to get stronger, faster, and more intelligent in fighting, from the life force of their flesh. I hid this secret for 5 years and have come clean.

The craziness has consumed me again; and I am trapped in this world were I eat Toris' and Ukes'.

This is the story of how Rob the ToriCannibal came to me.

.....After many months these dreams, these nightmares, came to me again; and told me that I would meet a stranger, a fellow cannibal and that we would join forces. I began to search for this stranger, searching everywhere in the Toriworld. Time past; but then I noticed a strange figure eating noob_reaper's flesh. I notice this is the stranger of my dreams, and ask him have we met before. He tells me, "I don't know, I seem to have seen you in my dreams before".

.....We shared our stories of surviving and eating of others. He tells me that he committed crimes, and was taken to jail. He put up a fight when the guards tried to bring him to his cell; was sent to"The Hole" by the warden, without food or water. A week past, and he was about to starve to death he discovered a passage in the wall. He followed it,and it lead straight to the warden's office. He lay in wait, and with the little strength he had left, grabbed the warden and feasted on his body. He became stronger, but not strong enough! He wanted more of it, more of the glorious power it gave him.

.....A day past and he was sentenced to death, and put into a maximum security cell. With the strength given to him from eating the warden, he had he broke down the door, and started eating the guard to his cell. He then escaped, taking down more guards, one by one. He hid out for a while dodging bounty hunters and police.

.....After his story I knew then he was the one I had dreamed about. We decided to join forces as, our dreams had foretold. After days of hiding from the Toribash Elite Team of fighters, we decide to share our knowledge of cannibalism and fighting skills with others; and to do that we have to make a clan.

Smokie story

As I wake up with haze all around me, I just can’t figure out were I am or what had happened to me. As I try to move, I come to find that I am tightly belted to a table. I try to look around but all I see is a big black window to my left. I see a small light coming from it with a figure standing there. It looks to be a guard. All my joints hurt with a sharp pain like someone had dismembered me and then put me back together. I try to remember what I had done to end up here but it was just all blank.

So I lie there for hours in pain and wonder. “what do these people want from me?” I ask my self. But just at that very moment another figure appears in the glass window and more lights turn on. The lights really hurt my eyes. A small door opens just aside of the glass window. A doctor of some sort walks in, he asks “well did you have your fun last night?” I ponder at the question that I was just asked. What did he mean? He walks over to a small desk sits down and pulls out a freshly dismembered leg from a Uke.

And at that very moment I felt this rage come over me like nothing I had felt before. I was overwhelmed with fury, I wanted that leg. I had a flashback, I saw a small town with nothing but torn limbs and dismembered body parts all over. And at that time I saw myself eating an arm of one of my foe’s. I’ve come to realize that I…… I was a blood thirsty animal that would stop at nothing to feed my hunger of dismembered limbs.. All I could think about is the sweet taste of amethysts blood and the feeling of power.

I snap out of it as I hear trashing coming from the room were the guard was. The doctor tries to run out the door but is stopped by a massive figure, this figure just grabbed him and threw him aside. I see another figure in the window eating part of the guards dismembered arms, he is reading a file with my name on it. It was the records of the damage that I caused to the town. He enters the room with the other figure, as they both come up to me, one says “He’s perfect”…….
OG of TB
A man of few words