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Is it too soon to buy Windows 7?
We all know that when Microsoft releases a Windows version, they usually come with some bugs that they try to repair through updates with the feedback given by the consumers that answer to the "Send an error report" that pops up every time your computer crashes.
Does Windows 7 apply to the norm?
I was told that Vista was actually a major beta for Windows 7 and that it shouldn't be sold as an incomplete product but I don't own a Windows 7 so I can't confirm.
I have Vista. It has so many bugs. Mohave and 7 are meant to fix these bugs along with removing any problems that they may show. But... This is Microsoft we're dealing with.
Originally Posted by JesseBean View Post

I lol'ed,now I've never used mac but I'm assuming it has it's problems too right?
Your messed up world enthrills me
the only problem it really has is it's trackball, junk from your finger gets caught up in it, and becomes unusable, but a little saliva and rolling fixes it.
I'm a genuine windows hater but I have to use it to have the full gaming capabilities that arent supported as well in Wine. But I have to say that Windows 7 is the least buggiest of all Windows that has been released and that it is a must upgrade.
Windows 7 has not given me any problems whatsoever,
that includes drivers, updates, compatibility, everything works fine,
theres a good performance boost, as well as some nice new features, and a graphical boost.
id advise getting this ASAP, it beats Vista bY FAR
Windows 7 is great. Hell the beta version was amazing. Don't worry about buying it. If there is anything that turns up, there will most likely be an update of some sort.
Shin-Ryuu's BanGoat
Hated by all.
Yet still raped.
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<Malvie> Zanzaba; only for you, baby.

"Ehh, I'm sorry. I'm just being a dick."
Well, besides the fact that windows 7 is WAY expensive and im doing just fine with xp, vista was a complete flop and why should this one be any better?