Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[NOoT] Application Thread
Hello and welcome. This organisation is for Taekkyon enthusiasts everywhere.
Taekkyon is often undervalued and so here we are, banding together to form this organisation, specially for our taekkyon-loving brethren.
Good or bad, all are welcome, however those elite ranks are saved for true elites of taekkyon.

Real name (Optional):
Current clan:
Voucher (has someone vouched for you? This is NOT just a "do you know someone in the org". Someone has specifically said they will vouch for you)
Include 3 replays of you playing (Not needed if you have a voucher):

Vouchers: This is someone who you play taekkyon with relatively frequently and can stand by your application. Having a voucher means you don't need replays in your application. Get your voucher to post in this thread along with your application.

1 thing we need to get clear, we don't accept people based on skill.
If you love taekkyon, we love you.

We can decline you for many reasons including:
- If you're extremely new to the community we may tell you to come back when you're a little more experienced
- If you're immature we can decline you as we feel you may damage the reputation of the organisation
- If you lie about any information on the application
- if you don't put any replays and don't have a voucher
- If you don't fill out the application fully we can decline you (often we will just ask you to fully fill it out)

Members should raise concerns about a potential applicant via pm, not in this thread. Voting in a non-skill based org is pointless.
As such, from now, votes will be deleted.

Regarding invites and vouchers:
- Any member may invite people, whether brother, Legend or leader. But only a leader may approve the application (it'll probably be a yes anyway)
- Being told about this organisation, e.g "heard about NOoT" is not an invite or a vouch, it's simply spreading the word

Note:- If told to gain more experience a minimum wait of 1 week is required before applying again.
Note2:- Since the death of the taekkyon league there has been nowhere to do taekkyon-y stuff, events etc. And so this order was born (incase you thought "hey, what about the [Tkl], i think i'll complain about it".

Thank you for reading, this post may be editted with more information soon.
We look forward to your application.
Last edited by Erth; Oct 25, 2017 at 03:52 PM.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Name: Lololerz
Real name: Nicholas A.T
Skill rating out of 10 (in your opinion): 6-8
Current clan: [-aKa]
Age: 12
If anyone has invited you, state them here:-
Include 3 replays of you playing:
Attached Files
Against jaker.rpl (77.3 KB, 36 views)
taekkyon split.rpl (77.0 KB, 23 views)
taekkyon - sliccer.rpl (79.8 KB, 31 views)
Name : InfernoXZ
Real Name : Josh
Skill Rating out of 10 : 7
Current Clan: [DP]
No invitations , though i did see people in it.

I need to make some Better Takkeyon Replays , but ill edit them in next time i record a match.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Lololerz: Can you provide one more replay? Just to prove virtue wrong?
Im inclined to trust my legends, it'll be a yes once you supply another replay i think.

Inferno: Replays, then we'll talk ;o

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Name: Yiazmat.
Real name: Roberto.
Skill rating out of 10 (in your opinion): 7.
Current clan: None.
Age: 18 yo.
If anyone has invited you, state them here: None.
Attached Files
TK_against daxx.rpl (77.0 KB, 14 views)
TK_splitcap.rpl (79.5 KB, 11 views)
TK_splitcap2.rpl (77.2 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by Yiazmat; Dec 3, 2011 at 06:01 AM.
taking art requests for USD
Welcome lololerz and Yiazmat!

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Uploading a couple i think are Takk , dont have time to check in Toribash
Attached Files
Takk beat 6th dan.rpl (79.4 KB, 11 views)
beating game master.rpl (60.2 KB, 14 views)
gg takk.rpl (73.1 KB, 3 views)
winning takkeyon.rpl (70.7 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by InfernoXZ; Dec 4, 2011 at 09:39 AM. Reason: Added a replay
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]