Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Phoenix Mod center.

Well,Basically,this is a place to request a mod from someone in the clan who know show to make them,so you don't have to work.
Of course,free of charge.
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New format of the mod center,I wait for three requests,finish them all,and clear them out.
Logo in the making! over half way done!
Currently CLOSED!if aelak or gugu can close it temporarily so I can work something more important.
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Application to requesting a mod:
Mod name:
Desc. of it:
Who you want to make it(most likely me):
__________________________________________________ _____________
Current requests
1.Coursebattle-Kylan97-No Progress
2.WindowDrop-Aelak-no Progress
3.ApprenticeCourse-Gugu-No Progress
(It is filled,will work on the first one when I'm ready and have a good ideal of how long it will take.)
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Don't be afraid to ask for something big!
Last edited by CharredLightning; Dec 10, 2009 at 06:35 AM.
Mod name:coursebattle.tbm

Desc. of it:A course of obstacles like blocks,walls, just any obstacles you can think of, you will start out on a platform that's outside a dojo, you have to make it into the dojo and fight the opponent without dqing

Who you want to make it(most likely me):you
Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;
Application to requesting a mod:

Mod name: windowdrop.tbm
Desc. of it: your on a platform 500 height in the air, you and uke are standing on the platform with a 1000 distance, their is a breakable window (with a frame) You are supposed to charge uke, and tackle him through the window, landing on a makeshift car that is breakable (and does not move) olmost like that Modern Warfare: 2 Commercial

Who you want to make it(most likely me):ofcourse joo, silly

Also, sticky'd
I want something, that would work for a competition.

Mod name: ApprenticesTraining.tbm
Desc. of it: Ok, so you start in the ground (No dq) and you have a wooden sword, uke is far away, between uke and you, there are lots of obstacles that you must do to reach uke (with some walls at the sides or something to prevent cheating >.>) You must go across all of the obstacles WITH the sword, or at least, reach uke and hit him some times with the wooden sword (Throwing it may work aswell).

Who you want to make it: Lemme think... MrPoptart! lol, you ofc :3



(Due to CharredLighning's request)
Last edited by Gugu; Dec 16, 2009 at 04:57 AM.