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how to make a special link?
I would like to make a link that will open the tc transfer page with a special nickname already entered. Is it possible? if yes , How??
I'm pretty sure you are unable to do this. However I am not 100% sure.
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Discord: Typhus#0201
splish splash Aeon is still trash
Originally Posted by Surge View Post
try sticking ?to_username=Surge on the end

this does indeed work, tested it myself to make sure.
Why it doesnt work with me :/ , i dont see his username entered when i add it at the end of the link
did that and it doesnt work
Last edited by chatogato; Oct 29, 2017 at 02:10 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I meant to reply to this, likelihood is they have removed the server side support for autofill requests. I won't bore you, or waste my owntime, writing out the details, if you really want to know PM me.

Basically, that link is correct and theoretically should work however the forum devs have either removed the functionality, if it used to work, through recent updates- or they never allowed it in the first place. There is no way around it I'm afraid.
[21:55] Icky: How the fuck can i make witty lines about blossoms without going full weeb