Original Post
Question about [TC] And Swearing
Sup fam, okay so, i got a question about [TC]...

Whats the most efficient way to produce [TC]. I know the original rooms where you get like 10 or 20 to i dont know but still, those rooms are mostly empty and stuff.

Okay, about swearing...

Are we allowed to swear in-game/forum?

==_Raidiz_== Hopes to get a responce.
Do tourney (500-1000TC)

When you got some money, try either marketing or betting
There are some good tutorials, but I am on mobile.

As for swearing: I don't think swearing is disallowed per season, just don't use too much bad language and never use racial slurring or stuff like that
Originally Posted by iiRaidiz View Post
Sup fam, okay so, i got a question about [TC]...

Whats the most efficient way to produce [TC]. I know the original rooms where you get like 10 or 20 to i dont know but still, those rooms are mostly empty and stuff.

Okay, about swearing...

Are we allowed to swear in-game/forum?

==_Raidiz_== Hopes to get a responce.

for you, a beginner, you should just grind out toruneys and just try to get better. 750 tc tourneys are my favourite. if you are good at art you can make textures and once you get really good at the game, you can start dueling others for money. Bet servers are also a thing but its a bit risky

swearing: you can swear all you want on forums and ingame but just dont say the words 'nigga' and 'faggot' or just anything too racist and too slurry

you can say the basic fuck bitch cunt idiot and all those but keep it to a minimal