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NEW [Origin] Rules & Guidelines
Hi Origin, in this thread I merged and fixed a bit all the rules you need to know and respect. You can still find original threads around the forum.


1. General rules and guidelines
2. Jobs: Explanation & How to achieve
3. Application voting process
4. Trial members rules


- Respect to be respected
- Racism isn't tolerated
- Don't flame
- No immature behaviour
- No power abuse
- Don't double post if it isn't needed
- If you want to create a thread, PM a leader
- Avoid short/spam posts (lol/xD/eh etc.)
- There'll be an Activity Check every month. Be sure to post there when required or you'll risk a demotion/kick.
- Whenever you are inactive for a certain period of time, post it in the Inactive Thread, and only in that thread.

If you don't follow those rules you'll receive a warning that can result in a kick if repeatedly ignored.

If you have any problems, please contact one of the clan leaders via PM.


Here you can find a list with all the current staff positions we currently have in the clan.

Founder-> The supreme leader of Origin, he has full powers and decides on everything.
HOW TO ACHIEVE: can't be achieved.

Clan Commanders-> or co-leaders. They are under direct control of the leader. Clan Commanders carry out rules and keep everything and everyone under control. As the founder, they have full powers and have moderator powers in the clan board.
HOW TO ACHIEVE: this is the highest position you can achieve inside Origin. To apply send a freeform application to the leaders, explaining why do you want to become a Clan Commander. You have to include when you joined and previous jobs you had inside Origin. You can apply whenever you want, but it's highly recommended to try when leaders need a new Clan Commander. It's required a lot of maturity and capability to take important decisions, basically you'll have a lot of responsibility in your hands.

Origin Council-> a group of people that votes and discuss everything that passes through their hands. They work with leaders inside the Core, they don't have powers outside the private board, but their decisions reflects through all the clan.
HOW TO ACHIEVE: send a freeform application to the leaders. You have to include why do you want to be a part of the Council and previous jobs you had inside Origin. Remember that this job revolves a lot around discussion, so a 2 lines application isn't the best. It's required the ability to discuss, take decisions and prove why you are right.

Recruiters-> they are the main recruitment force. They host recruitment servers and test applicants. They also have to read and vote applications in the Recruitment Center.
HOW TO ACHIEVE: send a freeform application to leader, including timezone, why do you want to become a Recruiter and average ingame activity. It's required maturity and patience: while hosting you have to kindly answer questions from whoever asks you about the clan, doesn't matter how obvious/dumb that question is. You also have to understand how an applicant is from his application and give him an appropriate vote. Don't underestimate this job, requires a certain amount of skills.

War Commander-> he is the war dictator. He leads war servers and War Disciples.
HOW TO ACHIEVE: send an application to leaders including timezone, why do you want to become a War Commander and your average ingame activity. It's required both leadership and ingame skills. You have to be able to lead your team physically and martially.

War disciples-> the war team. They have war powers and their is to, well, war.
HOW TO ACHIEVE: send a short application to the War Commander including timezone and ingame activity. If you are skilled and active enough, the leaders and/or the War Commander will promote you to War Disciple. It's required ingame skills and activity.

Members-> official Origin Members.
HOW TO ACHIEVE: spend a month as freshman, then send to a leader your app's link and ask for the promotion. Don't ask before the month passed.

Freshmen: new Origins.
HOW TO ACHIEVE: pass successfully your trial period.


Depending on your rank, your vote will have different effects. Be sure to read this before giving your opinion in the Recruitment Center. Remember: only Recruiters, Clan Commanders and the Leader can autoreject applicants.

People Who Aren't Even In The Clan: Your votes matter absolutely zero percent. HOWEVER, if you know the applicant has been: clan hopping, harassing, spamming, and generally being a bad person in other areas of toribash, a heads up would be nice.

Trial Members: You can't vote on applicants, but if you know something relevant about them, please PM a leader. Focus on getting through your trial before deciding things in clan affairs.

Freshman: At this point, votes do actually matter. So if you do vote, do it efficiently. If you have very short answer votes, it will be taken into account.

Members: Votes count, same as Freshmen. Make the votes efficient, tell them the problem with their applications and be mature about it.

Any Rank Above Member: Not saying that they have more power, but they kinda do. These votes matter a lot for certain reasons. If one or two Council Members or Co-Leaders were to say no, then you have a very low chance of entering Origin.

Leader: When Zeus says no, well, it'll be very hard for you to join.


Ok, we've voted yes on your application, but this isn't the end. Now you have to show us what you can do as member of Origin. That's why you are a trial. Trial period will last 2 weeks, since then you still aren't officially a member, we'll keep an eye on you and you have to follow some rules.

- Follow all of the general rules that you find at the beginning of this thread
- You are allowed to post only in some threads: The talk thread, Replay thread, Inactive Thread, Activity Check, Skype Thread and Steam Thread
- If you are going to be inactive for a certain period, post it in the Inactive Thread, your trial period will be interrupted until you are back
- You can't vote on applicants, but if you know something relevant about them, please PM a leader
- Be forum active, it will increase a lot your chances to join, but don't spam dumb posts or you'll get the opposite effect
- Keep an eye on the Clan Wars thread, we'll post there whenever we are warring. You can join and fight with us
- Everything posted outside our board will be considered too, don't act immature.

Respect those rules and you won't have any problem. Once you end the Trial period, you'll be promoted to Freshman and you'll be free to post anywhere you want.
Last edited by WeppetKo; Sep 5, 2015 at 11:51 PM. Reason: Update