Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Tell us about last night's dream
Go ahead, spill your heart out (if you can remember it).

I dreamt I was swimming in the air, but I couldn't breathe. Then, I grew tiny gills and fell into the ocean to be stranded on an island surrounded by lava...and I was sinking.

Can't really remember much else. I do remember something about a pelican though.
Originally Posted by PredatorC View Post
thats a pretty weird dream, i dreamd something that im not sure if im allowd to post lol

Do it. I dare you.

Anyways, I once had a dream where I was in a house that looked like my house if it were a mansion, and these cat people were chasing me around.

This was when I was 5, though.

I also had a dream where my living room closet was huuuuuuge and dark, but off in the distance there was a light that shone on a table with a frankenstein sort of thing on it.

Also, a few nights after this, I had a dream where that thing came out of the closet (No joke intended) and tried to kill my family.

Again, this is when I was 5 ish.

I haven't had many notable dreams that I remember after those. Weird, huh?
i liek turtelz xd
i had a dream i was running down my road from people trying to kill me and all i could do was keep running. although thats not really a dream, more of a nightmare. i dont dream much anymore
Originally Posted by darkpyro View Post
i had a dream i was running down my road from people trying to kill me and all i could do was keep running. although thats not really a dream, more of a nightmare. i dont dream much anymore

Nightmares are welcome as well.
I had a crazy awesome dream last night. I dreamt I was in some sort of massive futuristic lab, and I witnessed a scientist making sort of canister. There was a huge arse explosion and water flooded the room. I grabbed the canister and headed straight for the door, where I was met with security teams. Somehow, by holding the canister, I had some sort of protection. I could run really fast as well. (This is possibly because I have played entirely too much Borderlands and Crysis over the last few days) The bit I remember most was running into a huge underground tunnel, like an underpass. There were small machines whizzing past me, shooting, and I was dodging them and causing them to crash into walls as I tried to reach the end of the tunnel. I think somehow a bus blew up and I jumped it, clearing the tunnel and landing in.....snow. From there it was basically a montage of several scenes, me being chased through the jungle, me being chased through bushland, desert, buildings, until in the last part I remember, I was in France in what must have been about 2025, because every building was tall as fuck and really futuristic looking. Also some were pink. I met someone there who had obviously set me up a safe place to stay.
That's about it.

But holy fuck it was best one in a while.
Nicee. That sounds fucking zawesome.

I had this one a couple of weeks ago:

Originally Posted by Huck View Post
I love these dreams that are so fucking random:

It began with me playing some noobs in the hampa2 betting server trying to figure out how to change the betting frames. Just as I had figured out how to change the damn thing, I was teleported to a school bus with my school's fencing team. We were driving to the school's gym, which was literally 50 yards across the parking lot. When we entered the building, the inside was like one of those gas station convenience stores. I proceeded to buy a slim jim beef stick. The gym itself was actually much bigger than the original one. In fact, it was about the size of a convention center (actual size is about 1/10 of that). Upon entering the massive building, there was a demonstration of parkour on the rock climbing walls. Sadly, they sucked, but I got a good laugh when one of them fell on one of the girls. I sneaked out of the demonstration to find myself running back to the school bus which seemed to be miles away. I was actually running with another person, but I can't remember his name right now. Suddenly, a cop in a hummer pulls over and he shouts at us telling us that we're in a restricted zone. He starts giving us tough guy talk saying things like "You guys are goin down!" and "Once I'm through with you, you'll wish you were never born!".

Then, he left. He just drove off. But, because it was a dream, all I was thinking about was how I was going to get out of it. All of a sudden, my friend's brother came along and asked us if we needed a ride, and of course, we shouted, "Yes!". We saw the police in his black hummer waving his fists at us, but we didn't care. Just before we got into the car, Slipanc fell from the side into the shotgun seat, Steve got into the driver's seat, and Kitfox popped up from the ground like a groundhog and pushed us all into the car (Your names were in their respective username colors hovering over the representation of you). We actually left my friend's brother behind.

After this fiasco, the car turned into a hovercraft and we were riding on the edge of a cliff. That's when I woke up, looked outside, and became very depressed at the small amount of snow. Then I realized that I'm off from school this week, so I was happy. But then, I remembered that I have a cold and a fever, so I'm tired as fuck, and thus, I can't go outside. Now, I'm drinking this tea that burns my throat, I cannot go outside, I have a massive headache, and I still can't figure out how to change the betting frames.
