Original Post
I've noticed we been getting a shit load of new members and I think we should close recruitment for a little so we don't have too many members. Tell me what you think.
I'm gonna have to agree with this..I don't know half the people in the clan and I'm sure that there are more that hasn't been told to the clan yet.
Ah-greed (lol, im mr.crabs from spongebob)
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
yea, if they post in the forums and i get to know them that's fine, ill take 100 of those guys. but when they join, slap the tag on, and post three months later that gets kinda annoying
"I'm Sander F@#$ing Cohen!"
~Sander Cohen~
guys, it's not a matter of whether you know them or not. It's about the clan getting more quality members and getting bigger and stronger.

Plus this proves how inactive you guys are in the forums which is one reason why you guys should be on it more.

So no I don't agree with this ;-/
Sahee: so your nick is vagina? Dude you shouldn't get into clans, clans should get into you.
Actually, all our current members are pretty talented already.

Kick those inactive guys, our rules state clearly that you have to post at least once in a while.

I don't think we should make exceptions lest they have a really go reason.
Plus this proves how inactive you guys are in the forums which is one reason why you guys should be on it more.

well, we have a few members that are very active on the forums and some that just dont post at all, we need more balence, and we need everyone to post
"I'm Sander F@#$ing Cohen!"
~Sander Cohen~
i go with pookie all thoguh i just joined xD im very active all around and i dont want to bragg but i dont think i make the clan worse we should keep the flow