Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Recruitment Thread


The leaders can get a better grasp on what you are like if you write your own application,
rather than following a set format. Probably best to mention that English isn’t your first
language, if that is the case.

There are absolutely no requirements regarding an application (Although 50 or so words wouldn’t hurt.)
If you feel like applying, do it. There will be a maximum ~10 day wait on a final decision regarding applications,
although most will be decided within a couple of days.
Last edited by vCouncil; May 22, 2010 at 12:59 AM.
Well i might as well be first to try.

My real name is Jesse and I am 13 (14 in august).
I have been in a few clans in the past (omega, 1336.9) and was the leader of beta for a while. Vibe really gives me a good vibe (see what i did there) and I love that its a new clan with great members, I am also drawn to Vibe because it seems to have a social nature and thats what i like in a clan. I am only 2dan and I have not been very active ingame for a while but if somebody wants to play ill happily oblige. I am active pretty active in the forums and i always seem to be extremely active in clans. I have never had an infraction in the years i have been playing toribash and never plan to. I am also learning 3d modeling (zbrush) and i do make texture's but recently i have not gotten the chance to spend any time on texturing.
I say yeah, I was in 1336.9 with you for a while 'til you left, then 1336.9 died.

Your name is awesome by the way.
Wasn't Zipil named BlueSaint or something? Or was that another person. :<

Anyway, come on IRC and get to know me(us?) more. Since I have no idea who you are.
master of the universe
Originally Posted by zipil View Post
oh god no i am not bluesaint

I have been zipil since i joined

Oh, okay. My mistake.

Originally Posted by Zinx View Post
Virtue, That's me.

Ono, it's Zip0!
master of the universe
Yes from me, he's a fellow GATA member and a cool guy in general.

Needs to get in IRC later, though.
back from the dead
I've seen him around, but dont know him much. I say apathy, so I'll let everyone else decide.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'