Original Post
Do you Prefer PC over Consoles?
Hi, some recent study over at the Facepunch forum states that people much prefer playing [PROTOTYPE] on their PC then their Xbox 360 or PS3, for ergonomic reasons. This led me to create a poll to find out Toribash's opinion.

I personally prefer PC, because you have a wider arrangement of buttons to control yourself with, and the mouse makes turning much smoother and more controlled. However, I have rare access to High-Speed internet and my graphics card sucks, so I would have to stick to my console. I still prefer PC, but yeah.

Also, I'm sure nobody wants this to turn into a console war. We all get it that your PS3 is better than the 360 or vice versa, but that stuff is Wibbles material. None of that please.

One more thing, be descriptive in your opinions. No "Just cause" crap. Here's your chance to be intelligent for once.
Last edited by DejaVu; Jun 7, 2009 at 05:31 AM.
Fonzie be with you.
I go with the computer, despite the negatives of lag, installations, memory space, expensive, and you need to update it every so often. The internet acces and immense amount of games outways the problems.
the god
You need to spend more money with computer, but anyways, the mouse is the perfect "weapon" for playing, better than the controller and all.
Originally Posted by FuryBull View Post
You need to spend more money with computer, but anyways, the mouse is the perfect "weapon" for playing, better than the controller and all.

the wii is a problem for both arguments. jsut thought i'd drop that in.

on the other hand, until the wii "grows up", as it were, it still wont amount to computer games.

But toribash on the wii is a huuuuuge step in the right direction.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
Yeah PC ftw, my friends disagree with me though ;
'My xbox has a controller!'
'I have a more effecient, easier to use, zboard, and I don't need to move a little stick around due to the fact that I have a mouse, that by the way is made specificaly for gaming.'
'Well, I have Halo 3!'
'Halo 3 sucks, and I have Crysis, Crysis Warhead, Crossfire, A fuckton of MMO's, Command and Conquer, Toribash, Team Fortress 2, Counter Strike, Diablo 2, aaaand mods for just about every game imaginable.'
'Aaaaand I win.'

^Exact conversation from a few days ago. :P

Oh btw, most of my friends have gaming pc's and still disagree with me >.>
I was gonna say make this a poll but it's pretty clear which one would come out as the clear victor :P

PC is so much better due to mouse-aiming, graphics, control and involvement with the game (close to the screen), amazing online play, mods/patches etc etc

[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Originally Posted by Marcoyeh View Post
control and involvement with the game (close to the screen),

I agree with you for most parts but WTF why can't you get close to a TV set or run your console thru your PC screen?
Originally Posted by hoho123 View Post

I Want To ManBreakfast Massage Me When He Massage I Will Pay

Originally Posted by DaBandito View Post
I agree with you for most parts but WTF why can't you get close to a TV set or run your console thru your PC screen?

If you do, you'll be using huge glasses after 1 or 2 months.