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Jade Dynasty [Big Detailed Thread]
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Originally Posted by Jade Dynasty Website
It has always been man's greatest goal to uncover the secret of immortality.

The quest to eternal life has always and will always begin with knowledge. But is there a single, unified truth?

Centuries ago, five factions arose teaching with what each felt was the true path to enlightenment. Two walked the path of good, while three walked the path of evil. These five factions, through many years of research and studying, have cultivated the ability to channel their chi and control magic.

History is always fated to repeat itself. Not much has changed; the five factions remain, each promising knowledge, training and the ultimate goal of immortality to every recruit.

Now, in the realm of Jade Dynasty, you find yourself torn between the siren call of each Faction. Each will grant a different power to pave your path to immortality.

Will you follow the path of good, and choose Jadeon, named for their leader who uncovered the magic sword Regenesis; or Skysong, the Buddhist order that harnesses the power of holy mantras for healing?

Or will you choose the path of Evil, joining the single-minded Vim, the secretive, vampire-like Modo or perhaps Lupin, who trains to their followers to move and think like assassins.

The time has come for you to join history's ranks.

Choose a side, choose a faction and unlock your own story of immortality.


Jade Dynasty plays like your standard MMO in terms of movement and controls so that's nothing to really learn. The first thing I noticed about this game is that it looks BEAUTIFUL. Of course, with my shitty legacy gfx card, I only run it on low settings and it still looks lovely. For me, one of my biggest needs in a game (especially in a MMO) is WASD movement, This can make or break a game. Luckily, Jade Dynasty answers the call \o/. The music is always so relaxing too.

One thing that kinda bugs me about this game is the number of weapons and armor. As far as I know*, every 15 levels, you get a new set of armor (Hat, body, boots) and a new weapon. This is a hit or miss depending on how you like your games. I like this because it's less confusing, I don't like having a new weapon like....every level because then your working your ass off to find the damned thing and before you know it, you overlevel, rage and then ragequit. In a nutshell, Like a bunch of weapons to grind after? Meh
Like it simple? Yay \o

*There may be unique weapons around, I started yesterday damn it.

Now, you guys are probably going, "Oy ChrisDom :0, Waht abou't LeveL1ng?!?111" Don't you worry friend. Leveling is the smoothest I have EVER experienced. You start with boosted experience gain (An event I think) and a 70+ Attack charm and a 100+ Defense charm. SAVE THESE, they'll come in handy later besides you also start with a pot that you can heal yourself with up to 200000 HP (Multiple use :D) ALSO BIG FCKING POINT HERE, You can level up in your sleep using meditation :3, meditation gives you a set amount of exp (depending on your level) about every 5 minutes. **

Example: My first meditation started at about 4 A.M, I stopped at 11 A.M.
In 7 hours of meditation, I gained 9 levels :D (I was level 4).

So here I was, level 13. After a few quests (quests aren't really long at all) BOOM level 15, it was time to pick a faction, Right now, I'm level 23.

  • Gameplay: 8/10 (It's an MMO)
  • Controls: 10/10 (No problems here)
  • Art And Gfx: 10/10 (Sooo Fcking beautifulllll)
  • Community?: 8/10 (i don't talk to random people)
  • Factions?: 9/10 (I had to do some research to know, what was what.)



Click here for some Jadeon
One of the main factions on the side of good. A Jadeon follower is a formidable opponent.

  • Good in ranged combat
  • Good in numbers
  • Because of their low HP; Less pot cost*
  • Great AoE

  • Low Defense
  • Bad PvP? - Discuss-able
  • Low HP
  • Because of AoE; SP pots up the butt
  • You'll need some good money...

Another faction of good, The healers
Click here for some Skysong

  • Good in a party
  • You can heal yourself :D
  • No real use for HP pots
  • excel in group grindings
  • healing AoE

  • Low Defense
  • Bad PvP? - Discuss-able
  • Low HP
  • SP is your life

Click here for some Vim :3
  • Tanker!
  • High Defense!
  • Nice AoE Ability
  • Evil faction damn it.

  • No range
  • Lack of AoE
  • Slow leveling?

YAY EVIL! :3 2
Click here for some Lupin

  • High speed and critical rate
  • You could 1 hit kill someone
  • Evil faction damn it.

  • It's a hard life by yourself
  • LOW defense
  • Because of your lack of defense, you'll need funds

Click here for some Modo
  • This faction mixes it up with transformations
  • Evil faction damn it.
  • You'll rock ass at 150 and 95

  • It's a hard life by yourself!
  • Hardest to job advance? From the start?

Thread FAQ
(Updates with time)

Q: How do I begin meditation?

A: there is a button on the upper right hand side of the screen next to the map.
It is a yellow button press that button and your char should start meditating.

Q: What is each faction?

A: The factions relate to the following commonly known MMO classes
  • Jadeon - Ranged Damage Dealer AKA Mage
  • Vim - Close Ranged Killer AKA Warrior
  • Modo - Magic Bombing Assdick AKA Warlock
  • Skysong - Pansy Healing Partygoer AKA Priest
  • Lupin - Quick Sexy Ninjaz AKA Assassin

Player Listing
ChrisDom - ChrisDom, 23 Vim|ChrisDomZ, 26 Modo
Ishi - ishi, 20 Lupin|DoctorIshi, ?? Skysong
RedDevil - RedDevul 32 Vim
Malvado - Malvado ?? Beginner
Guv_na - Robato ?? ?
Stupinator - stupinator: vim lvl 25|stupinatro: modo lvl 23

Enjoy Boys
Last edited by ChrisDom; Jul 1, 2009 at 04:15 PM.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
i always have to play new games, i guess ill make a guy on east, even though im west coast, probably wont cause any lag issues eh


Nah, you should be fine. Btw, the company that made Jade Dynasty, made perfect world which is also really beautiful but was a bit blunt.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
ye i didn't notice from the urls

download will be done in about 41 minutes, ill probably be playing all night


I knew you'd see this Ishi.

Also; Perfect World is complete garbage. I could rant, but won't.
It's the same with Last Chaos. I'm never going to be tempted to play an Aeria Games MMO ever again because of that.
I try not to be close-minded though. I'll take a break from Mabinogi to at least try this out though.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

I didn't say perfect world was good, it's just really really nice looking and last chaos was the same true. But MABINOGI? REALLY? I thought better of you guv :<
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
Originally Posted by ChrisDom View Post
But MABINOGI? REALLY? I thought better of you guv :<

don't knock it till you try it. Mabinogi may look like a cookie-cutter MMO, but there's much more to it. I've only played like, every free MMO, and a few non-free MMOs.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

I was in the closed beta for mabinogi, I checked my character a month ago, and I was like 80 ._. Anywho, I'll be starting my modo character now.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
sup, been playing it, and its pretty ok.

few questions, do i go to jadeon to change jobs? and how do i craft stuff? i got the skill, but i cant find any way to do it ;o

also im level 20, on usaeast going for lupin

character name ishi

edit: never mind about the class change, already figured that out ;o
Last edited by ishi; Jun 28, 2009 at 04:22 AM.
