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Who's Your Best Brawl Character
Who is Your best character when playing Super Smash Bros Brawl?

Mine is Ike
I don't have a best character, I'm pretty good with all characters.

But really, I am a beast with Meta Knight.
Let's see, I used to main with Sonic, but I got way too much "olol sonic is too cheep u sux rele" So I stopped using him. Currently I am maining with Falco and Zelda/shiek, I'm working on getting my Diddy Kong and Samus up to par
Falco is awesome fun, but toon link is easy and op XD
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
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Long ranking ahead:

1. King dedede, Lucario, Wolf
2. Diddy Kong, Samus, Luigi
3. Ike, Falco, Fox
4. Pit, Meta Knight
5. The rest.
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For some reason in good with kirby all the time but im also good with ike and pikachu.
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everyone hates ganondorth, but i use him jsut to show everyone up, but beating them with the slowest char in the game xD quite funny, when you pwn someone using sonic xD
I have a tie with 4 characters.

I've won every competition I've entered with one of these three: Pit, Falco, or King Dedede.

Pit because the arrows are cheap as hell and one of the best for interceptions.

Falco because of infinite gun combo and amazing interceptions plus ground combos.

King Dedede because he is the best control character EVER. Infinite grab combo, plus insane hitting power (albeit a bit slow), floating jumps plus a super high up b move, PLUS his weight makes him get hit less of a distance than other characters, PLUS he has an amazing range attack to compliment his close range beatdowns.

The last person is Diddy Kong. Amazing amount of ground combos, air combos, and the banana peels are amazingly op. You run at your opponent and throw one, it stuns him for like a quarter of a second in which case then you can activate a myriad of different combos. I've lost a couple competitions using him because I'm still perfecting his up b.
nyan :3
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